EMS in the Calgary Zone

Your source for current, accurate information on the progress being made to improve Emergency Medical Services (EMS) care for all Albertans

EMS: Saving Lives, Improving Care

EMS activity in the Calgary Zone:

Responding to over 160,000 events annually within the Calgary Zone, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Alberta Health Services (AHS) first priority remains unchanged: to provide safe, quality, and timely patient care.

In the Calgary Zone EMS strives to ensure we’re providing the right resource, with the right provider, at the right time, to the right patient. This includes:

  • A Community Paramedic Program that works in collaboration with other health care providers in community to address the non-emergent health care needs of seniors and other vulnerable populations to help people stay healthy and safe in their homes and avoid unnecessary emergency department visits.
  • When appropriate patients are transported to Urgent Care Centres instead of Emergency Departments.
  • The Community Health and Pre-Hospital Support Program (CHAPS) allows Paramedics to refer patients to Home Care and other community services that help these patients remain safe in their home and reduce their need for EMS transport to emergency departments.
  • Evidence based medical protocols that have been established to ensure all patients who access EMS through 911, wherever they are in the province, receives the same level of care.

* also includes data for the time spent at AHS emergency departments transferring patients to hospital care

EMS Wait Time Reporting