Teachers & Schools

Addiction & Mental Health

Alberta Health Services recognizes that teachers are in a unique position to influence their students' lives, both as educators and as mentors.

Addiction & Mental Health has a long association with Alberta schools, working with students and teachers to prevent and reduce the harms associated with alcohol other drugs and gambling.

Curriculum-Aligned Resources

We have developed a series of classroom resources for teachers to use when talking about alcohol, other drugs and gambling. The resources are aligned with Alberta Education's curriculum requirements at the same time as providing prevention programs that are based on research and best practice.

Community Collaboration

Our advice in the area of reducing and preventing the harms associated with alcohol and other drugs is often sought by schools and other community groups. We provide consultation to the community regarding areas such as: resiliency, substance specific information, resource development and programming.

Supporting You

Your mental health is important to us.

For more information or to find an AHS Addiction & Mental Health office near you, call Health Link at 811 or the Mental Health Helpline at 1-866-332-2322.

Going Home Reflections Toolkit

Developed in partnership between Alberta Health Services (AHS) and Jack James High School, the toolkit is intended for use by all school staff, to help maintain and promote staff mental wellbeing and work-life balance.
