Medication Reconciliation (MedRec)

Information for Healthcare Providers

We Need Teamwork When It Comes to Medication Safety

We all have a role to play in MedRec. By creating comprehensive lists of a patient’s medications every time they enter or move within our system, and then documenting and sharing that list with everyone involved in their care, we help keep our patients safe.

What Can You Do as a Healthcare Provider to Help With Medrec?

You can help patients understand how they can be a part of MedRec. There are many tools to support patients in keeping track of their medications.

If you want to learn more about how the MedRec process works, visit our eLearning module. You can also watch these videos about what MedRec is and how to do MedRec.

Find out more about your specific role in MedRec:

Promotional Resources

You can help promote MedRec in your area and increase awareness among your teams. Download these MedRec materials to help spread the word:

You can also order these print materials from DATA Group: Ordering Information.

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