AKC-S Patient Referral

Alberta Kidney Care, Info for Health Professionals

Nephrology Path to Care Directory

All new referrals to Nephrology can now be faxed to a single location. This will allow all patients equal access to first available appointment. Physicians may also request consultations with a specific Nephrologist but this will impact wait times.

Note that requests for a specific Nephrologist still need to be sent to the Nephrology Path to Care Directory - not to the Nephrologists' office.

Use the Medical Access to Service (MAS) page for this process. Discard any other Nephrology referral forms you may have, as the information on them may not be accurate.

Include any pertinent laboratory tests and investigations with your referral. The Path to Care Directory should not be used for patients who need to be seen on an emergency basis (within a week).

You will be notified by letter the status of your patient’s appointment. Your patient will be contacted by the Nephrologists office to set up the appointment.

At any time during this process, please contact this office with any questions or concerns.

Once the referral is received, a Nephrologist will triage your patient to one of the following classifications:

For more information please call  403-955-6389 or  FAX: 403-955-6776

Note: Referrals for acute Nephrolithiasis and renal masses suspicious for malignancy should be referred to urology