Post-Anaesthetic Care Unit

South Health Campus

Post-Anesthetic Care Unit (PACU) Tour

Contact and General Service Information

For Your Stay

Family and support people are welcome in PACU. Let your care team know if you would like your family member/support person to be with you in PACU.

If no hospital bed is available, you may stay longer in PACU.

In the Day Surgery reception area there is a screen for the SMARTRACK, for family and/or support people. SMARTRACK shows what stage your surgery is at or if you've gone to PACU.

If you have questions on how to read it, just ask one of our unit clerks at the front desk.

What to Expect

While in PACU, nurses will watch your vital signs and how alert you are as you begin to wake up.

Once a bed is available and it's safe to transfer you, you will go to one of the areas below:

  • the Day Surgery Unit until you're discharged home (the same day)
  • the Short-Stay Unit, Unit 68 or Unit 78 depending on the type of surgery and your care needs after surgery, and if you have to stay in hospital longer than 3 days