HomeCOVID-19The role of our advisory councils

The role of our advisory councils

It will take all of us working together to get through this pandemic. Not just AHS staff, physicians and volunteers, but all Albertans across the province.

In these times, we are grateful for our advisory councils, as they are one of our best channels for connecting with Albertans.

Advisory Councils are made up of community members across Alberta who bring grassroots advice from their communities to Alberta Health Services, and their work continues to be invaluable during this pandemic.

Joining me to tell us more about the role of Advisory Councils and their members are:

  • Jen Kneller, Chair, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Provincial Advisory Council
  • Carole Tkach, Chair, David Thompson Health Advisory Council

Jen and Carole discuss the difference between the health advisory and provincial advisory councils, how COVID has impacted their work, and what is in store for the councils in 2021.