Hand Hygiene Heroes

Infection Prevention & Control

We know it takes committed champions to improve hand hygiene which is why we want to celebrate the Hand Hygiene Heroes in Alberta Health Services. Celebrate your hard working co-workers and contracted partners by nominating them as a Hand Hygiene Hero!

A Passion for Hand Hygiene

In April 2019, members of the Calgary Zone IPC team were working diligently to recognize Richard Sailer – a long term care resident and hand hygiene champion at the Vulcan Community Health Centre.

Submission Criteria

A Hand Hygiene Hero should be a team member or team who have done something different - went above and beyond the call of duty – with respect to hand hygiene. Submissions should be sent to hand.hygiene@ahs.ca

Submissions should include 2-3 sentences about:

This includes the first name(s) and last name(s) of the team member or team.

This includes a short description of what was done.

This includes where it was done (i.e. zone, site and unit)

This includes when it was done. This may or may not be applicable.

This includes why what was done was important and how it could be used by others in the province to promote hand hygiene practices or hand hygiene improvement initiatives.

Download the Posters

hand hygiene colour poster Colour

hand hygiene black and white poster Grayscale