A new continuing care option is coming to Sundre. It’s the ideal care option for many seniors today and one we’re excited to bring in partnership with Mountain View Seniors Housing to the community.
Set to open this summer, Mountain View Seniors Housing Supportive Living will have 40 AHS-funded supportive living beds. This is the first time a supportive living level of care will be offered in the community. Supportive living offers health and personal care supports in private suites with the added reassurance of having professional nursing care and support staff available on-site 24 hours a day. Seniors consistently tell us they want the most home-like, independent care possible and this option meets those needs.
It is also the right care option for many folks who currently call the Sundre Hospital and Care Centre home. We will be working closely with each Sundre Hospital and Care Centre resident and their family to review their options and to determine whether the new Mountain View Seniors Housing facility is the right option for them. We are committed to keeping all of the current residents in the community if that is their choice.
With the introduction of these new supportive living beds, the 15 long term care beds at the Sundre Hospital and Care Centre will be decommissioned. After decommissioning there will be 25 more continuing care beds overall in Sundre than there are today. This means more seniors will be able to receive the care they need right in their community. Further, these changes have no impact on other health services at the Sundre Hospital and Care Centre.
We are committed to keeping the community informed as we move forward. To date, we have met with Sundre Hospital and Care Centre staff and physicians; long term care residents and their families; the Sundre Health Professionals Attraction and Retention Committee; the David Thompson Health Advisory Council as well as local leaders, including the mayor.
We have also shared information about these changes with local media and will be meeting with Sundre town council next week.
In the coming months we will be working with the community to explore possible repurposing options for the space at the hospital currently occupied by long term care. We want to ensure Sundre continues to have the appropriate programs and services to meet the needs of the community.
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