Every day, hundreds of central Albertans receive excellent care at Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre. The largest acute-care facility in the Central Zone of Alberta Health Services (AHS), the hospital offers specialized services and advanced care programs, and is the primary referral site for many smaller, rural hospitals.
Recently, some local physicians have expressed concern about the hospital not being on the 2016 Capital Submission Project list.
AHS is supportive of physicians advocating on behalf of their patients, and we also recognize that ongoing efforts are needed to continue meeting the healthcare needs of central Albertans.
It should be noted, however, more than $100 million has been invested at the Red Deer Regional Health Centre in recent years to ensure central Albertans can rely upon safe, high-quality healthcare at the facility.
Among these investments:
Also, more than $7.5 million has been spent for repairs and upgrades at Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre, including repairs to the elevators, replacement of water boiler heater system, repairs to the roof, installation of a building management control system, lab accreditation renovations, floor replacement, installation of a new nurse call system, installation of a new sprinkler system, and repairs to the building’s chimney.
AHS, Alberta Health and Alberta Infrastructure continue to work together to identify capital needs and priorities. Every year, AHS creates its Capital Submission Project list, which identifies AHS’ top-priority capital projects and provides advice to government to help inform funding decisions. The needs of all communities must be considered in a context of competing priorities, finite resources, and clinical needs of other facilities across the province.
Expanding current programs and services in Red Deer remains on AHS’ list of future capital projects for consideration. AHS is currently involved in a long-range planning process for central Alberta, and is working with the community and community partners to help develop a vision for healthcare over the next 15 years. AHS encourages all Albertans to get involved by participating in the online platform found at www.ahs.ca/LongRangePlanning
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