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Programs & Services

Fairview Health Complex Foundation

The Fairview Health Complex Foundation formed to enhance and promote the delivery of health services in the Town of Fairview and surrounding district with public donations.

The foundation was formed in the early 1990's to respond to a stream of product and project requests from many departments which is funded in excess of $60 000 anually.
Some of the larger projects have provided:

  • x-ray machine digital capabilities special care area in the long term
  • care area
  • courtyards attached to the long term facilities
  • heart monitoring equipment
  • start-up costs and diagnostic scopes for the operating room
  • a new modern ultrasound machine
  • chaplaincy program, student scholarships and bursaries
  • contribution towards the MRI machine
  • training equipment for regional paramedic operations
  • assistance with palative care for beds

A Tree of Life memorial board for donations as well as a recognition board in the hospital lobby for more significant levels of donations and supportors.

Contact Details

Fairview Health Complex

10628 110 Street
Fairview, Alberta
T0H 0B4
780-834-7182 (Chairman)
Hours of Operation

Foundation members meet at the Health Complex as needed, usually three or four times a year.

Service Access

Donations can be made through any Foundation board member or mailed in. Call for more information.

Service Languages
Interpreter/Translation services