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Fairview Continuing Care Ladies Auxilliary

The Fairview Continuing Care Ladies Auxiliary meets monthly in the Chapel in Long Term Care to plan fundraising efforts, except during July and August.

A wonderful group of volunteers who fundraise throughout the year to support residents in long term care at the Fairview Health Complex. All proceeds go directly to purchasing comforts for residents. Teas, bazaars and raffle draws are regular fundraising projects run by the Auxiliary, with a Spring Mother's Day Tea and Christmas Tea among the larger events. Regular volunteers contribute baskets and homemade items for the raffles and baking for the teas. The group also assists with Wednesday evening Bingo for the month of August in Continuing Care. Auxiliary members meet the last Friday of every second month at 1:30pm. New members welcome! Call Volunteer Resources at 780-835-6193 for more information.

Furnishings the Auxiliary has provided includes flowers and plants, shelves, TV / VCRs and craft supplies. The Auxiliary also accepts memorial donations, recognizing the person on whose behalf the donation was made on a plaque at the continuing care centre. Donations can be made through any board member, dropped off at the Health Complex or mailed to the Fairview Hospital Auxiliary.

Contact Details

Fairview Health Complex

10628 110 Street
Fairview, Alberta
T0H 0B4
Hours of Operation

Auxiliary members meet the last Friday of every second month at the continuing care centre. Phone the president for more information.

Service Access

New members welcome! Call Volunteer Resources at 780-835-6193 for more information