Location: Drumheller - Grace House
A residential, long-term intensive recovery program for men 25 years to approx. 65 with substance addiction.Treatment options and programs may include: men-specific program one to one and group counselling workshops information sessions self-help groups addiction treatment classes recreation and leisure programming nutrition career planning or training budget planning discharge planning relapse prevention This service is provided by Alberta Health Services and Alberta Health Services contracted service providers.
Treatment options and programs may include:
This service is provided by Alberta Health Services and Alberta Health Services contracted service providers.
Drumheller - Grace House
Call to arrange an interview.
Admissions and Administration
Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Service targeted to men 25 years and older.
Referrals from many instituations and referrals to available
Application required and it is available on the website.Please contact the program for information, length of stay, program options, and admission requirements.
Days - contact for availablity between 8:00 - 16:00.
Drumheller Society for Recovery
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