Offers teaching and support to patients and their families to manage tube feeding at home.Education, support and monitoring of Pediatric clients up to age 18 years who receive feeding by a feeding device (NG, NJ, G-Tube or GJ tube) in their home.
A multidisciplinary team who work together to assist families and caregivers in managing a child's tube feeding at home.
In addition to education and support, the program provides regular review and follow up of:
- Client nutritional requirements and growth
- Formula, equipment and supply needs
- Oral feeding review
- Management of tube site issues
This program provides service to Calgary area clients including, north to Red Deer and South to the Alberta border.
Visit the PEAS (Pediatric Eating and Swallowing) website to find relevant information for families and care providers of children with an eating, feeding and swallowing disorder.
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