Chronic Ventilation Program offers services to individuals with chronic neuro-respiratory failure requiring prolonged and / or home mechanical ventilation (invasive and non-invasive) ICU Survivorship Clinic offers support and services to ICU survivors addressing the signs, symptoms and complications of post-intensive care syndrome (PICS).Chronic Ventilation Program aims to promote quality of life and best practice for patients requiring invasive and non-invasive ventilation through direct and indirect care, program expansion, research and quality improvement initiatives.
Individuals are supported in their “medical home”. This includes hospital, long term care or community facilities. Virtual support can be provided to those in rural settings.
Weaning Outreach Team: The team assists in liberating patients from mechanical ventilation in acute care setting and assisting with disposition and initiation of home mechanical ventilation when indicated. Patients are transferred to the Misericordia ICU if deemed appropriate and bed capacity permits.
ICU Survivorship Clinic aims to evaluate the primary needs of ICU survivors, their severity of Post-Intensive Care Syndrome, determine healthcare needs and streamline and referrals and follow ups to appropriate community and outpatient resources. The clinic serves a clinical and research role within the critical care community, addressing complications and long-term outcomes of ICU survivors.
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