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Programs & Services

Individual Tobacco Counselling

 Location: Alberta Wide

Your doctor or pharmacist may be able to provide one-to-one support for tobacco cessation.

Visit or call your local pharmacy or family doctor to find out if they provide these services. There are also a number of certified tobacco educators across the province that provide individual and group smoking cessation counselling. Call the AlbertaQuits Helpline to find a counsellor near you.

If you are looking for help for other addictions or mental health concerns call the Addiction and Mental Health Helpline.

Contact Details

Alberta Wide

1-866-332-232 (Addiction and Mental Health Helpline)
1-866-710-QUIT (7848) (AlbertaQuits Helpline)
Getting There

The map does not show the actual location of this Organization or Service.

Hours of Operation
Service hours not available.