Treatment - Women's Outpatient / Outreach Counselling
Offers support and information to women who have experienced relationship violence in their past or present.Service offers:
- a 10 week program offering support and information to women who have experienced relationship violence in their past or present
- a 6 week follow - up program
- opportunities to build healthy strategies and gain awareness to help participants live a violence - free lifestyle based on safety, respect, and equality in their relationships
- information, group discussion, learning activities, personal self - reflection, and an understanding, supportive, and respectful environment
- childcare option for children 0 to 6 years for mothers participating in morning sessions
Phase 1 topics include:
- understanding relationship violence
- building healthy relationships
- building strengths through the whole person model
- family dynamics
- stress management
Phase 2 topics include:
- personality and personal strengths
- self - esteem
- communication
- understanding anger
- boundaries
This service is provided by Alberta Health Services and Alberta Health Services contracted service providers.
Contact Details
Lloydminster Community Youth Centre
Location Info
Lloydminster Interval Home Society
4201 47 Avenue
Lloydminster, Saskatchewan
S9V 1K5
780-808-5282 (Administration), 780-875-0966 (Support Line)
Hours of Operation
24 hour service
Service Providers May Include
therapists, marriage counsellors
EligibilityService targeted to women:
- 18 years and older
- with or without children
Child care available for children 0 to 6 years.
Service AccessHealthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.
Program offered fall, winter, and spring sessions. Contract for details.
Lloydminster Interval Home Society - Empowerment for Women: Phase 1 and 2
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