Offers interdisciplinary care for children born with a cleft lip and/or palate and other head or face abnormalities.The Cleft Lip and Palate Clinic is an interdisciplinary team consisting plastic surgeons, pediatricians, ENT (Ears Nose and Throat) specialists, pulmonologists, orthodontists, audiologists, speech language pathologists and feeding therapists and may include consultation with medical genetics and genetic counsellors.
Care is provided to children born with a cleft lip and / or palate and other head or face abnormalities. Management includes assessment, treatment and follow-up care with healthcare providers as required. The clinic sees children 6 years of age and younger and follow-up continues until 15 years of age.
Visit the PEAS (Pediatric Eating and Swallowing) website to find relevant information for families and care providers of children with an eating, feeding and swallowing disorder.
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