Location: Kaye Edmonton Clinic
Provides diagnosis, treatment, and management of bleeding and rare blood disorders.This centre treats patients with bleeding disorders that occur when blood lacks factors which cause it to clot normally. The centre also treats rare blood disorders. Management includes comprehensive care clinics, blood product distribution / tracking, and supervision of home treatment with blood products.
This centre treats patients with bleeding disorders that occur when blood lacks factors which cause it to clot normally. The centre also treats rare blood disorders. Management includes comprehensive care clinics, blood product distribution / tracking, and supervision of home treatment with blood products.
Kaye Edmonton Clinic
Barrier-free parking available in parkade located on west side of Kaye Edmonton Clinic. Click here for more parking information.
Parking stalls
Parking and Public transportation available
Parking map
Monday8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Tuesday8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Wednesday8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Thursday8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Friday8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.
An estimated wait time will be provided at the time of appointment booking.
Canadian Hemophilia Society, Association of Hemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada,
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