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Cardiac Diagnostics - Stress Testing

Diagnostic cardiac testing services may involve stress testing (treadmill), holter monitoring, event monitoring, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (outpatient service), and pacemaker follow-up.

Cardiac stress test is a physician referred test used to measure the heart’s response to exercise on a treadmill in a controlled and supervised clinical environment. Standard cardiac stress testing compares the continuous ECG, the blood pressure measurements and patient’s physical response to the exercise to determine if the patient has CAD (coronary artery disease). The results can be interpreted as a reflection of one’s general physical condition, used to diagnose heart blood flow disease, and for patient prognosis after a heart attack. If the patient’s results are not conclusive, the physician may recommend a MIBI standard stress test or a Persantine MIBI stress test.

Contact Details

Bonnyville Healthcare Centre

5001 Lakeshore Drive
Bonnyville, Alberta
T9N 0G8
780-826-3311 Ext 255
Getting There

Located east of Lakeshore Drive

Hours of Operation
Days of the Week

8:00 am - 3:00 pm


Hours subject to change.

Service Providers May Include
doctors, internal medicine specialists, kinesiologists, registered nurses (RNs)

Patients with known or suspected heart conditions.

Service Access

Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.

Service Languages
Interpreter/Translation services
Service Locations
Also Known As