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Programs & Services

Streetworks Needle Exchange

Edmonton's Harm Reduction and needle exchange program.

Streetworks is Edmonton's Harm Reduction and needle exchange program. We are a mixture of outreach workers with lived experience and healthcare professionals. Streetworks also carry and provide safer-sex / STI prevention supplies.
Operating out of 16 different agencies throughout Edmonton, Streetworks strives to keep people who use drugs safe and healthy.
The overdose prevention program offers overdose prevention information and free, anonomyous naloxone (Narcan) training.
The H.E.R. Pregnancy Program offers assistance to pregnant women struggling with the issues related to chronic homlessness, poverty, and problematic substance use.

Contact Details

Jasper Place Wellness Centre

15308 Stony Plain Road
Edmonton, Alberta
T5P 0L6
Hours of Operation

Needle Exchange / Distribution



Boyle Street Community Services, HIV Edmonton, Radius Community Health and Healing

Service Locations