Corrections Transition Team
Provides support to individuals with mental health, addictions or concurrent disorders in provincial correctional facilities. Help with release planning and transition back into the community.Provides short-term case management and outreach support for soon to be or newly released provincial offenders. Services include support for connecting to:
- mental health treatment
- addictions treatment
- financial support
- community engagement
- employment supports
- affordable housing
Service Providers May Include
outreach workers, registered nurses (RNs), social workers
EligibilityThe following criteria must be:
- 18 years or older (17 year olds will be considered on a case by case basis)
- mental health, addictions or concurrent disorder impacting daily functioning or ability to connect with services in the community
- incarceration at a provincial correctional centre or remand facility (unlikely to get federal time)
- willingness to access mental health or addictions treatment
- potential safety and risk concerns will also be evaluated
Service AccessHealthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.
Service Locations
Also Known As
Find Healthcare