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Child Development Services Clinic

Child Development Services offers consulting services for the assessment, diagnosis and medical treatment / management of neuro-developmental disorders and their comorbid conditions.

Appropriate referrals include questions regarding:

  • Diagnostic clarity in children with known or suspected Neurodevelopmental Disorders (e.g., ID, ASD, ADHD, GDD) with Medical (e.g., medical complications due to comorbid conditions or specific medical treatments known to have implications for development), Genetic (new or suspected genetic diagnosis with developmental implications), and / or Neurological comorbidities (e.g. epilepsy, neuromuscular disorders, etc.) The specific diagnostic question is complicated by the presence of other medical, genetic, or neurological conditions, or medical treatment side effects (e.g., cardiac, metabolic, oncology, etc.).
  • Etiology in patients with confirmed developmental disorders including Severe Global Developmental Delay, confirmed Intellectual Disability, or Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  • Medical management of children with a diagnosed Neurodevelopmental disorders and co-occurring condition(s) when attempts to treat in the community have been unsuccessful. Referral sources must provide evidence of functional impairment.

This is primarily a physician led consultation service. Multi-disciplinary assessment and management are not standard.

The purpose of Child Development Services is not to assume primary care but to provide a tertiary level consultative service to the Primary Care Healthcare Provider when the neurodevelopmental needs of the patient cannot be met in the community / Albert Children’s Hospital (ACH) clinic.

Once the developmental question has been answered and/or a medical management plan addressing the referral question/behaviour has been established, patients will be transferred back to their Primary Care Provider for ongoing follow-up and management.

We do not accept referrals for assessment or treatment of primary mental health disorders (e.g., Mood, Anxiety, Psychosis).

Patients must have a primary care physician in place who is actively involved in the patient’s care. It is preferred that the patient is actively followed by a Community Pediatrician (or that a referral to a Community Pediatrician has been made).

Service Providers May Include
doctors, registered nurses (RNs)

Eligibility varies by clinic/service.

Service Access

Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.

We do not accept referrals for assessment or treatment of primary mental health disorders (e.g., Mood, Anxiety, Psychosis).

Service Locations
Also Known As
Child Development Services
Alberta Children's Hospital, Child Development Centre, Consultative Diagnostic Clinics, Developmental Neurology Clinic, Developmental Pediatric Complex Medial / Genetics Clinic, Developmental Pediatric Psychopharmacology Clinic, Neurodevelopmental Attention Clinic, Pediatric Oncology Neuro-Developmental Follow-up Clinic