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Physiotherapy Breast Class for Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy

Patient education class and review of exercises for breast cancer patients receiving radiation therapy.

This patient education class is taught by a physiotherapist. The class provides breast cancer patients with:

  • information about some possible problems (shoulder and muscle stiffness, swelling, cording) that may occur with breast cancer treatments
  • advice about strategies for recovery following treatment
  • description / review of exercises that help to get the shoulder moving and keep it moving well
  • information about the benefits of being active
  • tips to realize, identify and lower their risk of developing arm problems after breast surgery or radiation treatment
  • a helpful group setting where patients can ask questions and share concerns

Service Providers May Include
physiotherapists, volunteers (breast cancer survivors)

Breast cancer patients who are currently receiving or are scheduled to receive radiation therapy treatments.

Referral Needed

Most responsible health care provider can refer. For example, a doctor or a nurse practitioners.

Service Access

Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.

Education class is offered weekly.

Service Locations
Also Known As
Physical Therapy Breast Class