Symptom Assessment Tools | Alberta Health Services147654The following tools can help health care providers with symptom assessment of palliative and end of life care patients.8/30/2022 6:59:06 PM8/30/2022 6:59:06 PMFor Health Professionals Symptom Assessment Tools Watanabe SM, Nekolaichuk C, Beaumont C, Johnson L, Myers J, Strasser F. A multi-centre Wei LA, Fearing MA, Sternberg E, Inouye SK 0htmlFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1633
Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby Questionnaire; 205901285871/16/2023 5:43:21 PM1/16/2023 5:43:21 PMPersonal Health Number 5. Language(s) spoken at home: 6. Can you read and understand English Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby Questionnaire 1. Birth date: Demographics 3. Marital 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533
Thomas C. Nakatsui Professional Corporation662416/22/2016 10:56:21 PM6/22/2016 10:56:21 PMHEALTH SERVICES -and- THOMAS C. NAKATSUI PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 2 Insured AHS wishes to have provided within the Province; C. AHS wishes to retain the Operator to 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533
CSF Agreement247739/27/2023 6:28:35 PM9/27/2023 6:28:35 PMTHOMAS C. NAKATSUI PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION replace the Legacy Agreement in its entirety; C. AHS wishes to retain the Service Provider Schedule “C” Incident Reporting Process 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533
GRH Research Affiliate - Dr. Carmen Rasmussen870217/15/2019 5:46:37 PM7/15/2019 5:46:37 PMPublications Kully-Martens K, Pei J, Kable J, Coles C, Andrew G & Rasmussen C. (2018 Ghotra SK, Johnson JA, Qui W, Newton AS, Rasmussen C, Yager JY 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533
grh-research-affiliates-georg-schmolzer.pdf8702612/8/2016 10:11:15 PM12/8/2016 10:11:15 PMKJ, Ong T, Schmölzer GM, Barton SK, McDougall AR, Miller SL, Tolcos M, Klingenberg C, Polglase GR. Single Sustained Inflation Followed 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533
GRH Research Affiliate - Dr. Jacqueline Pei870196/18/2019 3:20:36 PM6/18/2019 3:20:36 PMPhone: 780-492-1318 Recent Publications Tamana SK, Ezeugwu V, Chikuma J, Lefebvre D Kerns K, MacSween J, Kapasi A, Rasmussen C. Teaching Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533
Palliative Care Tip - Issue #1: Delirium in patients with advanced cancer and those who are immiently dying - February 20197442510/25/2019 3:48:30 PM10/25/2019 3:48:30 PMEDMONTON ZONE – PALLIATIVE AND END OF LIFE CARE AUTHOR/REVIEWER: AUTHOR/REVIEWER: ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTOR AND 4. Centeno C. et al. Delirium in advanced cancer patients Inouye SK 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533
References: Alberta Hip Fracture Clinical Pathway Acute Care751014/28/2015 6:48:37 PM4/28/2015 6:48:37 PMClinical Guidelines across the Care Continuum 1 Evidence Review: Management of Hip Fracture www.ahfmr.ab ca/grants/state_of_science_final_reports php 2002 How best to fix a broken 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533
Getting to Know Your Cancer Centre - Lloydminster Community Cancer Centre405474/28/2020 9:27:43 PM4/28/2020 9:27:43 PMKnow the Centre | Lloydminster | 2020-C/P| CPE-P0070 Lloydminster Community Cancer Centre Hospital 3820 43 rd Ave Lloydminster, SK S9V 1Y5 306-820-6144 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Alberta 0pdfFalse~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_All.js33;1533

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