High School Resources

Teachers & Educators, Addiction & Mental Health

While the lessons below were designed to be taught as a series, they can also be taught separately.

Grade 11

These lesson plans include six 80-minute lessons designed to support teachers to provide factual information about substance use and give opportunities for practicing life skills (for example, effective decision-making). However, if time is limited, lessons can be condensed to cover the content in a shorter period.

Lesson 1: The Process of Addiction
Lesson 2:  Binge Drinking
Lesson 3: Alcohol and Drug Injuries
Lesson 4: Tobacco and Tobacco-Like Products: Dependency and Cessation
Lesson 5: Resiliency: Thriving in Adversity
Lesson 6: Transitions: Embracing Change

Grade 12

These lesson plans include two 60-minute lessons designed to provide educators with factual information to help engage students in talking about substance use and gambling, and support students to make informed and healthy choices.

Lesson 1: Crystal Methamphetamine
Lesson 2: Substance Use and Major Life Areas