Endoscopy Services

Contact and General Service Information

For your Appointment

Remember to bring your Alberta Healthcare card and a piece of photo ID. If you don't your appointment may need to be rescheduled. Please allow at least 48 hours to cancel or change an appointment.


Finding Us

Endoscopy Unit is located on the 3rd floor outpatient services. Take the outpatient elevators to the 3rd floor and follow signage. Above endoscopy video has created to show how to get to the endoscopy unit and patient experience while in our unit.

At the information desk, on the main floor, there are "wayfinders", people in red shirts to help you find your way. There are also electronic kiosks throughout the hospital that give directions.

What to expect

Once you arrive at the clinic, check in at the endoscopy window.

You may be in the clinic for up to two hours. You must not drive yourself home after the procedure. You must be accompanied home by a responsible adult. You cannot take public transportation alone. If, on the day of your procedure (i.e. colonoscopy) you do not have a drive home, the procedure may be cancelled or could be done without sedation.

You will meet your team that has been assigned to your procedure (e.g. colonoscopy, gastroscopy) which includes registered nurses (RN’s), gastroenterologists or hepatologists, LPN’s and support staff.