Location: Cascade Plaza
Provides concurrent mental health and substance use screening, assessment, individual, group and family counselling.Access to a recreational therapist, psychoeducational assessment and psychiatry services available. Additional referral services to more intensive and / or residential treatment programs both external and internal to Alberta Health Services available. This service offers: concurrent mental health and substance use screening, assessment, intervention and treatment individual, group and family counselling psychiatry services referral services to detox and/or residential treatment services available
Access to a recreational therapist, psychoeducational assessment and psychiatry services available. Additional referral services to more intensive and / or residential treatment programs both external and internal to Alberta Health Services available.
This service offers:
Cascade Plaza
Main entrance
Monday8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Wednesday8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Thursday8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Friday8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Please call to arrange your appointment.
Youth ages 12 to 17 years and their families who are experiencing concurrent disorders
Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.
Youth & Families can self-refer: 403-297-4664 and professional referrals accepted through connect care
Client can call to speak with intake counsellor during regular business hours.
An estimated wait time will be provided at the time of appointment booking.
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