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Programs & Services

Better Beginnings

Better Beginnings is a free, non-judgmental, supportive health service for pregnant or parenting women living in Southwest Alberta.

Provides Support for women who:

  • Need information and support to make health choices during pregnancy.
  • Feel alone and isolated.
  • Are living on a low income.
  • Facing language or cultural barriers.
  • Face addiction challenges.

Supports Provided include:

  • Information on pregnancy, birth and parenting.
  • nutrition advice from a dietitian.
  • gift cards and coupons to assist with healthy food choices
  • prenatal vitamins and vitamin D for your baby
  • Help to quit smoking.
  • Information and referrals from additional agencies offer support and services

For more information, visit the Before, During, and After Birth website.

Contact Details

Fort Macleod Health Centre

Location Info
Access to Community Health kiosk through main entrance.
744 26 Street S
Fort Macleod, Alberta
T0L 0Z0
Hours of Operation
Days of the Week

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Service Providers May Include
public health nurses (PHNs)

Women must be pregnant and have one of the following:

  • 19 years of age or younger
  • lone parent with a limited income
  • 35 years of age with a limited income
  • 20-34 years of age with a limited income and answer yes to one of the following:
  1. consistent prenatal care with a physician has been difficult to get during this pregnancy
  2. previous baby weighing less than 2500 grams
  3. previous baby born prematurely (less than 37 weeks gestation)
  4. difficulty gaining weight during this pregnancy
  5. difficulty eating properly or enough during this pregnancy
  6. using tobacco (smoking), alcohol or drugs since knowing I was pregnant
  7. I don't feel I have one person to provide support, help, or advice
  8. I feel afraid or am afraid for my personal safety
  9. new Canadian (in Canada less than 2 years)
Service Access

Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.

Contact Public Health at your Community Health Site for more information and service times.

Service Locations