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Programs & Services

Sexual Assault Response Team

Specially trained nurses who provide sexual assault examination and care for individuals 14 years and older.

The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is a team of Registered Nurses with specialized education in sexual assault care. They serve 11 Edmonton area emergency rooms 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.The team provides compassionate, confidential, culturally sensitive, and nonjudgmental care to individuals who have been sexually assaulted in the last 7 days with or without police involvement. Care includes assessment, physical examination, testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy, giving medicine to prevent STIs and pregnancy, and referrals for counselling or other healthcare services.

Sexual Assault Resources

Community Resources

Addiction and Mental Health Service

Contact Details

Misericordia Community Hospital

16940 87 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5R 4H5
780-735-3440 (SART)
Getting There

Public Parking available Main Hospital Visitor Parking.

Accessible parking availble on south side of Mother Rosalie Health Services Centre.

Public transportation is available on 87 Ave.

Hours of Operation
24 hour service

Access to this service is by Emergency Room visit only

Service Providers May Include
registered nurses (RNs)

Available to individuals aged 14 and older who have been sexually assaulted in the previous 7 days.

Children 13 years and younger who have been sexually assaulted should go to the Stollery within the first 3 days.

Service Access

Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.

Go to the Emergency Room and tell the triage nurse you would like to see the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) or that you've been sexually assaulted.

If you have questions, contact the SART team by email (, or leave a message. The next available nurse will reply (the nurses may be out of the office for extended periods seeing patients).

Service Languages
Interpreter/Translation services
Service Locations
Also Known As