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Programs & Services

Addiction Services - Adult Detoxification

Provides a structured environment to support people withdrawing from alcohol and other drugs. There is also crisis stabilization for people who gamble.

A 24 / 7 service that helps people detoxifying from alcohol and other drugs in a safe, controlled setting.

Services may include:

  • stabilizing health
  • assessment
  • information sessions
  • introduction to self-help groups
  • addiction treatment planning
  • discharge planning
  • referral to other programs/services

Contact Details

Renfrew Recovery Centre

1611 Remington Road NE
Calgary, Alberta
T2E 5K6
310-0000 then dial 403-297-3337, 1-866-332-2322 (24 hour Help Line)
Hours of Operation

ADMISSIONS ONLY BETWEEN: 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM daily.

Clients must bring all prescription medications in the original pharmacy bottles prescribed. All medications require Renfrew physician approval.

Clients are advised to arrive between 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM to have their name taken by security for admission consideration. Entry into the building will not be granted prior to 7:00 AM. Clients should be especially mindful of this during inclement weather days, if planning on arriving to the site prior to 7:00 AM. Call then press 1 for more detailed admission information.

Support persons will not be allowed entry into the building. Clients will be asked to remain in the waiting room until triage is complete.

A triage process occurs where the sickest clients are admitted first.

If there are not enough beds for all those requiring admissions, some clients may be required to return the next day. Renfrew Recovery Centre books 2 admission beds daily. Call to inquire, press 2 to leave a message.

Service Providers May Include
addiction counsellors, client care assistants, doctors, licensed practical nurses (LPNs), registered nurses (RNs)

Adults 18 years and older who need detoxification from substance use.

Service Access

For more information see Renfrew Recovery Centre

Wait Times

Admissions done daily at Renfrew Recovery Centre and based on daily bed availability. Clients present for triage 0700-0715 daily. 2 beds booked daily with date and time provided at the time of appointment booking.

Service Languages
Interpreter/Translation services
Service Locations