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Therapeutic Recreation Services

This service supports people who have physical, mental, social, and emotional limitations that affect their ability to engage in meaningful recreation and leisure experiences by assessing past, present and future interests, abilities and strengths and providing programs that promote wellness and reduce or eliminate barriers preventing a meaningful and healthly leisure lifestyle.

Due to COVID-19, service times may vary. Call to confirm.

Therapeutic recreation is important to a person's quality of life. With this in mind, this service:

  • uses recreation and leisure as the primary modality to improve, maintain or prevent decline of physicial, social, cognitive, and emotional health
  • interventions are enjoyable, meaningful, focused and based on individual preferences, values and strenghts
  • strives to remove barriers to recreation and leisure participation
  • enables clients to continue to pursue their recreational and leisure interests/activities
  • addresses social needs to help prevent isolation and loneliness
  • helps client adjust to a placement and changes in health

Contact Details

Fairview Health Complex

10628 110 Street
Fairview, Alberta
T0H 0B4
Hours of Operation
Service hours not available.
Service Providers May Include
recreation therapists, recreation therapy aides

Service is targeted primarily for residents residing in continuing care and acute care patients waiting placement. Also available on a consultative basis only for individuals in the communities who require this service due to medical reasons.

Referral Needed

Referrals can be received from family physicians, Home Care, or other Allied Health professionals.

Service Languages
Interpreter/Translation services
Service Locations
Also Known As
Rec Therapy, Recreation Therapy, Rehabilitation Services