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Programs & Services

Audiology and Children's Allied Health Services

This service offers skill-building, assessment, and treatment activities for the families of children who have or may develop developmental delays, or disabilities.

Services are goal-driven; starting and continuing services is based on having functional reasons / goals for rehabilitation. The length of service will vary and is based on a child's needs and goals, and the availability of local programs. Assessment is part of rehabilitation and it comes in many forms. The purpose is to understand your child's strengths and needs. We will talk with you about next steps that guide the (rehabilitation) care plan. We will work together so you and your child are supported to move to the next developmental stage or between providers and services. Families and caregivers are actively involved as therapy may look like "play", depending on your child's age. We want to understand what's important to your child and family (what matters to you) e.g. daily routines, family and friends, activities you enjoy and we'll work with you to find home ideas that fit with your life. Services may be in-person, by phone, or videoconference. They may be in a group or one to one. Services provided are related to (neuro)developmental and / or medical conditions.

Team Based Services
Are provided for children with a variety of needs.

  • hearing - responding to sounds, noise, voices, words
  • moving - sitting, crawling, walking, coordination
  • using hands - playing with toys, using utensils
  • taking care of self - dressing, toileting, doing chores, sleeping
  • equipment needs - wheelchair, splints, orthotics, walking aides, adaptive aides, seating clinic
  • physical symptoms - pain, muscle / joint tightness, breathing, head shape, sensitivity to noise or touch
  • managing emotions - behavior, becoming overwhelmed
  • communication - understanding directions, babbling, using words and sentences
  • clear speech - being understood by others, stuttering, voice quality
  • eating, feeding and swallowing - coughing, gagging, choking, refusing to eat certain foods
  • diagnostic clinic for queries on Autism Spectrum Disorder and other diagnoses in partnership with pediatricians

Helps children and their families with hearing and hearing health, so they can participate in activities that are important to them.This service supports children's:

  • hearing - screening and assessment to identify hearing loss
  • management of hearing loss
  • hearing health

Occupational therapy services
Supports children and their families with self-care; eating, feeding and swallowing; and motor development, so that they can participate in activities that are important to them.

  • motor development
  • self-care - dressing, toileting, sleeping, personal hygiene
  • participation in activities typical for their development, such as play
  • eating, feeding and swallowing
  • specialized equipment - access and use (e.g., seating clinic)

This service supports children and their families with development and movement, so they can participate in activities that are important to them.

  • motor development
  • movement and function
  • specialized equipment -access and use (e.g., seating clinic)

Speech-Language Pathology
This service supports children and their families with communication and eating, feeding, and swallowing, so they can participate in activities that are important to them.

  • communication (speech, language, voice, resonance and fluency)
  • eating, feeding and swallowing

Available at some locations:
Child and Youth Developmental Specialists and Social Work

Contact Details

Fort Macleod Health Centre

744 26 Street S
Fort Macleod, Alberta
T0L 0Z0
Hours of Operation
Days of the Week

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Closed for lunch 12:00 pm (noon) to 1:00 pm.

Service Providers May Include
audiologists, occupational therapists (OTs), physical therapists (PTs), social workers, speech-language pathologists (SLPs)

Services are available for children and youth from birth to 18 years of age.

Children birth to five years of age (prior to school entry): a broad range of health and developmental services are offered. We focus on the early years and early intervention to try to prevent health complications and improve long-term health and wellbeing.

Children and youth 6 to 18 years: specific eligibility (call to inquire), health-focused services are offered when a child has a significant change in their medical or (neuro)developmental condition; or due to injury, medical intervention, surgery, or illness.

Service Access

Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.
Physician and other health care provider referrals or self referrals are accepted.

Call for more information about services or to make an appointment.

Wait Times

An estimated wait time will be provided at the time of appointment booking.

Service Languages
Interpreters / Translators
Service Locations
Also Known As
C.A.R.E, CHADS, Children's Community Assessment, Rehabilitation & Education Services
Children's Community Assessment, Rehabilitation and Education (CARE) Services
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Children's Allied Health and Developmental Services, Children's Community Assessment, Rehabilitation and Education Assessment, OT, Occupational Therapy, PT, Physiotherapy, SLP, Speech Language Pathology, child, pediatric