Opioids are a class of drugs that include heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl and carfentanil, as well as prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone, codeine, and morphine.
Opioid-related deaths have been on the rise in Alberta, and data shows that youth are being negatively impacted by opioid use.
For immediate assistance call the Alberta Wide Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 (toll free within Alberta)
Easily locate the appropriate youth opioid use treatment services you need. Choose from the drop-down list of service types below.
Young people have unique support and treatment needs.
To help address those unique needs, tools and resources are available specific to supporting youth throughout their recovery journey as well as the families and friends that support them.
Community Services - available within a town or city, often outpatient and connects individuals to services and resources where they live.
Crisis Services - offer immediate support and help available 24/7.
Detox Services - offer individuals a safe place to withdraw from substances and manage symptoms.
Diversion & Legal Services - for individuals who use substances and may need legal support.
Harm Reduction Services - reduce harms associated to substance use such as providing safe environments for use, clean needles, and naloxone, among others.
Inpatient & Residential - live-in, hospital stay or community-based treatment programs and services.
Intake & Referral - process that helps to determine the best service for your needs.
Medical Assisted Services - offer medical support for people who use substances, for example, withdrawal maintenance, relapse prevention, and opioid agonist treatments.
Opioid Dependency Program - offers many services to people who are dependent on opioids, for example: medical assisted treatment, addiction counselling, opioid agonist treatments, and treatment and recovery planning.
Outpatient - community based treatment programs and services, such as day programs.
Prevention & Education Services - provide information on substances and can help teach individuals, preventing harms from substance use.
Shelters - locations and services that offer housing or accommodation to those in need.
Transition Services - provide care and psychosocial support for individuals who are completing or have already completed a treatment program.
Virtual Services - available online or by phone.
Walk-In Services - provided on the day of visit.
Acknowledgement: Production of these resources has been made possible through the Improving Treatment Together project (ITT Project), a partnership between the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction & Alberta Health Services.
We acknowledge the many youth, family members, service providers & community partners that have contributed to the creation and production of these resources, without your involvement this work would not be possible.