Importance of Research to the Paramedic Profession
- Speaker Mr. Tim Ford
Mr. Tim Ford opens the day with a talk about his experience with EMS Research and how important Research Day is to the profession.
Why Research is important for Health Care and the Health Care System
- Speaker Mr. Marc Leduc
This presentation gives a high level overview about how research impacts patient, safety, financial and clinical health outcomes.
Evidence Based Medicine in EMS and Paramedic Care
- Speaker Ms. Jan Jensen, Keynote Presentation
Jan Jensen is the Senior Manager of Performance and Development for the Division of Emergency Health Services Operations in Nova Scotia. This presentation explores improving evidenced based EMS practice from clinical and managerial perspectives.
The AHS EMS Research Committee – What it is, and What it isn’t
- Speaker Mr. Ian Blanchard
In this presentation, the Research Lead for the AHS EMS system outlines the approval process for research involving the AHS EMS system, and provides an introduction to research ethics.
Prognostic Factors For Survival After Pediatric Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
- Speaker Mr. Tin-Shan Chung, Research Abstract 1
This study investigates the literature to determine what variables may significantly impact both survival to hospital discharge and surviving with good neurological outcomes in the pediatric population.
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Tourniquet Devices for Speed of Application, Successful Hemostasis and Patient Tolerance
- Speaker Mr. Christopher Picard, Research Abstract 2
The study investigates various commercial tourniquets and compares them to simple medical devices like surgical tubing in terms of success and ease of use.
Exploratory Study of the Road to Mental Readiness Program within EMS Personnel
- Speaker Mr. Jabin Binnendyk, Research Abstract 3
This study investigates the perceived impact that the Road to Mental Readiness Program had on EMS practitioners’ resilience and occupational stress injury.
Prehospital Analgesia with Intra Nasal Ketamine (PAIN-K): A Randomized Double-Blind Trial in Adults
- Speaker Mr. Joe Acker, Research Abstract 4
This study investigates the effectiveness of intra nasal ketamine for pain management in the British Columbia Ambulance system.
Defining Mentorship in Prehospital Care
- Speaker Ms. Cheryl Cameron, Research Abstract 5
This study is a qualitative analysis investigating what mentoring means within the pre-hospital environment.
The Evidence Supporting The Role of Paramedics in Fluid Resuscitation and Trauma Team Activation
- Speakers Dr. Shaun Cowan and Dr. Sandy Widder
This presentation is an overview of trauma resuscitation, trauma team activation and hemorrhage control and how paramedics can make a difference in trauma patients. Dr. Widder speaks to massive hemorrhage protocol in the Edmonton Zone.
The Canadian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (Can ROC) 2019 Update & Documenting a Cardiac Arrest
- Speakers Dr. Gerald Lazarenko and Mr. Ryan Lee
This presentation provides an overview about the Canadian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium. The highlights include a preliminary analysis of 2018 Calgary Zone cardiac arrest data compared to BC and documentation advice for prehospital cardiac arrest cases
Paramedic Chiefs of Canada Whitepaper
- Speakers Mr. Dale Weiss and Ms. Nicola Cavanagh
This presentation is an overview of the “Future of Paramedicine” White paper currently being conducted by the Paramedic Chiefs of Canada. The Whitepaper will be informed by an innovative research literature review and one on one key informant interviews.
A Tale of Two Cities: Treatment of STEMI Patients in Alberta
- Speakers Dr. Robert Welsh, Dr. David Goodhart and Dr. Mark Mackenzie
This presentation brings in the pioneers of cardiology who were instrumental in creating the STEMI pathways seen in Calgary and Edmonton. Dr. David Goodhart speaks to the Calgary model where Dr. Robert Welsh speaks to Edmonton’s Vital Heart Response model. Lastly, our Senior Medical Director Dr. Mark Mackenzie presents a personal STEMI story.
Closing Statements – The Future of EMS and Paramedic Care in Alberta and the Role Research will Play
- Speaker Chief Darren Sandbeck
Chief Sandbeck closes Research Day with a brief presentation about where EMS and paramedic care is headed, and how research will inform this journey.