Vic's Story
Opening Doors
This story is about one man's experiences as both a construction general contractor, caregiver for his wife, and a patient in the hospital. Through Vic's story we learn the importance of collecting and communicating patient reported outcomes directly to healthcare providers so that they can continue to improve in their practice.
Pat's Story
This story is about one woman's experiences with readmission to the hospital. In her story, Pat compares and contrasts two discharge experiences, one that was well planned and communicated, and one that wasn't. Through her story, we learn the importance of both healthcare providers and their patients being thoughtful in the discharge planning process.
Nancy's Story
One Day One
This story is about the importance of early discharge planning in the success of a patient's return home from the hospital. After years of managing home hemodialysis and a specific diet, Nancy has learned the importance of planning ahead and through this story connects these lessons to one of her hospital experiences.
Heidi's Story
Taking Responsibility
This story is about one caregiver's experience of navigating the hospital system after her husband suffered a traumatic brain injury. Heidi's story highlights how caregivers can feel intense pressure to ensure that their loved one receives the best care in the hospital and how clear communication and discharge planning is essential.
David's Story
A Good News Story
This story is about how clear communication and partnership with patients and their families can improve discharge planning and improve long-term health. David's story explains how there is no such thing as “too much information sharing in a hospital experience.”
Dan's Story
Waiting to be Seen
This story is about one quadriplegic man's experiences with delayed discharge and readmission to the hospital. Dan's story demonstrates how patients wish to be seen and supported by their healthcare providers and highlights some important aspects of person-centred care.
Kathy's Story
Avoidable Pressures
Over a period of three years, Kathy's father developed recurring pressure injuries during his stays in hospital (periods when he was not able to move unassisted). In this story, Kathy shares the impact of pressure ulcers on her father's health and quality of life in his final years. This story demonstrates the importance of understanding the severity of pressure injuries and that they can be prevented through regular repositioning.
domestic violence, advocacy, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, training, LGBTQ2S+, advisor, afraid, invisible, preferred name, preferred pronoun, dead name, misgendered, Connect Care, asking, telling, inclusive, diversity, visible, identified |
Jane's Story
This story chronicles one person's experience as an advocate for the LGBTQ2S+ community over many years and describes the activities of the AHS Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Provincial Advisory Council (SOGIE PAC). Jane's experiences demonstrate how information systems and individuals are both equally responsible for improving care for LGBTQ2S+ community members, now and in the future.
domestic violence, advocacy, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, training, LGBTQ2S+, advisor, afraid, invisible, preferred name, preferred pronoun, dead name, misgendered, Connect Care, asking, telling, inclusive, diversity, visible, identified |
Shelly's Story
The Snowball Effect
This story is about how quickly a difficult financial situation can begin to snowball out of control and directly impact the health and wellness of people in our communities. Shelly's story emphasizes how important it can be for healthcare providers to be aware of how financial strain can impact the care they provide to patients and their families.
patient and family-centered care, financial strain, healthcare costs, medication costs, prescription, person-centered care, reducing the impact of financial strain, primary care, chronic disease, aging |
Tim's Story
Speaking Up
This story is about one man choosing to speak up for those with lung cancer after his own “terminal” diagnosis. Tim's story emphasizes how important it is to amplify the voices of underserved populations within the healthcare system who are not always able to speak for themselves. Patient advisors and oncology care professionals can work together to create a more equitable system and improve the palliative care services for those who will need them.
patient and family centered care, communication, language, palliative care, terminal cancer, cancer care, care team, person centered care, lung cancer, oncology, PaCES |
Jane's Story
Right Words... Right Time
demonstrates how the language of palliative care can have a significant influence someone's experience, and explores how an early and systematic referral pathway to supportive palliative care services could improve the patient and family experience.
patient and family centered care, communication, language, palliative care, terminal cancer, cancer care, care team, person centered care, lung cancer, oncology, PaCES |
Deanne's Story
Not a Waste
This story is about the potential difficulties of accessing healthcare services when facing a mental health challenge like Dissociative Identity Disorder. Deanne's story emphasized how the words and actions of healthcare providers can have a heightened impact on the wellbeing of those facing mental health challenges. It demonstrates why it is important to find new ways of delivering care that puts the needs of patients first.
patient and family centered care, person centered care, mental health, psychosocial health, healthcare deliver, community paramedics, dissociative identity disorder, acute care, emergency care, healthcare, quality improvement |
Dawn's Story
Difficult Road, Beautiful Destination
This story chronicles one woman's experience with weight loss during the COVID-19 pandemic. It demonstrates that obesity is a multi-factorial problem and requires many different types of supports. Through the process of working with a Bariatric clinic Dawn demonstrates how lifestyle changes, social support, and bariatric surgery can all work in tandem to improve both physical and mental health.
bariatric surgery, weight loss, obesity, healthy living, lifestyle, social support, mental health, family caregivers, healthcare, nursing, pandemic, COVID-19 |
Erica & Ben's Story
This story is about the experience of one mother and her young son as together they learn to navigate the challenges of a cancer diagnosis and treatments. It demonstrates how healthcare providers can learn to communicate with young children in a language they understand. Erica and Ben's story emphasizes that by helping both parents and children understand complex medical jargon, they both can play an important role on the care team.
pediatrics, pediatric oncology, patient and family centered care, communication, language, translation, cancer, cancer care, care team, person centered care, parents, children, child life, child life specialist |
Sheila's Story
A Gift
Sheila discusses her diagnosis with lymphoma and her physical and emotional symptoms. She also shares her fears, her experience with finding support and asking for the help she needed, and the importance of using Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs).
Cancer Care, Cancer Care Alberta, Symptom Management, Lymphoma, Patient Reported Outcomes, PROs, Patient Reported Outcome Measures, PROMs, Oncology, Oncologist, nurse, lymphoma, nurse navigator, pain, bio-psycho-social, emotional, physical, referral, counselor, pain, challenges, what matters to you, loss, independence, asking for help, CCADST |
Brett's Story
Things Change
Brett talks about his cancer treatment and recovery experience. He shares his reluctance to discuss his symptoms, and highlights the role his loved one played in explaining to the cancer care team what he was experiencing. This story highlights how healthcare professionals need to continually assess their patient's needs because things change.
Cancer Care, Cancer Care Alberta, Symptoms, Multiple Myeloma, Patient Reported Outcomes, PROs, Oncology, Oncologist, Caregiver, Family, Nurse, Patient Reported Outcome Measures, PROMs, CCADST, Pain, Treatment, Chemotherapy, Stem Cell Transplant, Nurse, Support, what matters , Goals, Asking for help, Fear |
Ann's Story
I can see clearly
Ann discusses how MyHealth Records, and the MyAHS Connect patient portals have made it easier for her to track her symptoms, appointments, see test results and communicate with her care team. Ann also describes how using Patient Reported Outcomes helped her understand her own symptoms and explain them to the cancer care team, in order to get the support she needed.
Cancer Care, Cancer Care Alberta, Symptoms, Oncology, Oncologist, Patient Reported Outcomes, PROs, MyAHS Connect, MAC, MyHealth Records, MHR, lab results, Connect Care, Patient Reported Outcome Measures, PROMs, CCADST, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Side Effects, Putting Patients First, Pain, Nausea, Anxiety, Coping, Referrals, Electronic Medical Record, EMR, Hope, What Matters to You |
David's Story
Cancer. Alone.
David shares his experience about being a public figure with prostate cancer, and how, when, and with whom he chose to disclose his diagnosis. He explains that while although he felt alone at times, he was able to share his journey with the people he loved and then ultimately share his story more widely to spread awareness and help others.
Cancer Care, Cancer Care Alberta, Symptoms, Oncology, Oncologist, CCADST, Prostate Cancer, Treatment, Diagnosis, Brachytherapy, Fear, Family Doctor, PSA, Side Effects, Support, Recovery, Recurrence, Transition, Awareness, Family, Secret, Hope |
Andrea's Story
I'm The One
This story is about Andrea's experience with a cancer diagnosis and treatment while being a mother to her children. She shares the challenges she faced and how she found resilience, and how her efforts to help others led her to be honored as a Global Hero of Hope.
Cancer Care, Cancer Care Alberta, Symptoms, Oncology, Oncologist, CCADST, Family, Breast Cancer, Resilience, Mastectomy, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Reconstruction, Nurse Practitioner, Family doctor, Lymphedema, Treatment, Wellspring, Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Adjuvant Therapy, Transition, Survivor, Thrive, Thriving, Volunteer, Support, Tumour, Fear, Wellness, Hope |
Iqra's Story
Letting Go
Iqra is a young adult cancer survivor dealing with the fear of cancer recurrence. Her story highlights the impact on a young cancer survivors' life, the challenges navigating between primary care and the cancer care system, and moving forward in the face of recurring cancers.
Cancer Care, Cancer Care Alberta, Symptoms, Oncology, Oncologist, CCADST, Young Adult, AYA, Fear, Recurrence, Anxiety, Surgery, Chemotherapy, Survivor, Remission, Transition, Treatment, Tumour, Navigate, Navigation, Family Doctor, Frustration, Hope |
Laura's Story
As Long as You Want
With three immediate family members diagnosed with cancer, Laura shares the challenges and experiences that she and her family faced throughout her family's cancer journey, both separate and intertwined. She communicates the importance of advocating for yourself and loved ones, even when palliative care is the only option.
Cancer Care, Cancer Care Alberta, Symptoms, Oncology, Oncologist, CCADST, Family, Chemotherapy, Breast Cancer, Mammogram, Ductal Carcinoma, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Surgery, Support, Advocate, Resilience, Palliative Care, Transition, Treatment, Fear, Diagnosis, Loss, Healing, Hope |
An Albertan's Story
Customer Care
This story is about how one woman's interactions with the health care system conflicted with her personal knowledge and experience in providing customer service. This story demonstrates the importance of asking questions, demonstrating understanding, and integrating the contextual factors of a patient's life into care planning decisions.
financial strain, social determinants of health, primary care, community resources, quality of life, reducing the impact of financial strain, primary care integration, poverty, person centered care, miscommunication, lived experience, pain management/chronic pain, customer service, trust, relationships |
Ann's Story
My Duty to My Dad
This story is about the challenges and triumphs of caring for a loved one in a seniors' living facility through to hospital acute care during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of “no visitor” restrictions. Ann's story demonstrates the toll that isolation can take on the elderly and the important role that family play in the provision of quality healthcare, treatment decisions and end of life support.
family presence, visitation, visitor restrictions, Covid, COVID-19, coronavirus, social isolation, lockdown, end-of-life, goals of care, What Matters to You, pandemic, fragility, resiliency, connecting, suffering, nurse, nursing, duty to protect, heartbreak, no visitor policy, delivery, restraint, confusion, emergency, frustrated, designated support person, comfort care, birthday, end of life, partnership, pain management, essential partners in care, family |
Tracey's Story
Finding My Way Back
This story is about one Albertan's experience of "post-covid syndrome." Tracey's story illustrates both the physical and psychosocial challenges of being a COVID-19 "long-hauler" as well as identifying the various resources and services that are being developed to help people with the potential long-term impacts of COVID-19.
Covid, Covid-19, shutdown, loss, heart rate, loss of taste, lost of smell, cough, headache, fatigue, brain fog, chest pain, post covid syndrome, vertigo, nervous, compassion, scared, frustrated, working group, rehab, rehabilitation, advice line, resources, physiotherapy, mom, wife |
Keighley's Story
Overcoming Obstacles, Together
This story is about a young adult with Spinal Bifida learning to advocate for herself. It highlights some of the challenges of navigating a complex healthcare system and the important role that a family doctor can play to support those living with a disability.
Spinal Bifida, chronic illness, chronic condition, advocacy, empowerment, patient navigation, partnership, primary care, primary care physicians, friendship, peer support, disability, disability access |
Laurel-Anne's Story
This I Believe...
This story explores the challenges and successes of using Self-Managed Care to support a loved one with a degenerative illness. Through Laurel Anne's experience, we understand how difficult it can be to both provide care for a loved-one and manage all the process, procedures, and paperwork that is required by the healthcare system. We also learn how important it is to provide patients and their families with services like Self-Managed Care so that they can stay connected to their communities and live well at the end-of-life.
stampede breakfast, Multiple Systems Atrophy, MSA, neurodegenerative, Parkinsons, Parkinson's, disease, decline, home care, case manager, orientation, personal care worker, consistency |
Creeann's Story
This story is about the challenges of following through on medical advice without the needed financial resources. Through Creeann's interactions with the healthcare system, we clearly see how financial strain can limit a person's ability to purchase prescribed medications. Simply asking patients and their families about financial strain, and practicing social prescribing, can lead to better support and better outcomes.
financial strain, social determinants of health, primary care, prescriptions, expenses, quality of life, patient navigation, partnership, collaboration, integration, relationship, social services, government, local communities, network, health, healthcare, supportive care, provider, RIFS, reducing the impact of financial strain, primary care integration, poverty, income, asset mapping, mental health, disability, blindness, social prescribing, resilience, resourcefulness, joy, family, population health, Primary health care, primary care network, FAS, income, empathy |
Wayne's Story
Enter the Chaos
This story explores one family's experience of supporting a family member with dementia during a trip to the emergency department. It emphasizes why it is important to provide as much care as possible in a long-term care setting and how important family members are as advocates for their loved ones.
long term care, dementia, delirium, family caregivers, family support, family presence, emergency care, health care, hospital, paramedics, advocacy, empowerment, advocate |
Kristine's Story
A Seat at the Table
This is a story about navigating the pediatric health care system from a distance. Travelling for testing, consultations and care for Kristine's youngest daughter has been a part of their lives for over 6 years. With the heightened stress of COVID-19, came a breakthrough – the option to connect with their care teams virtually. Virtual care has not only given them time back with their family, but has reduced the psychological and financial stress of travelling for care and allowed them to still receive the care their daughter needs from the comfort of their own home.
pediatiric, paediatric, rural, travel, virtual health, critical illness, medical trauma, rare disorder, specialty care, family, overwhelming, anxiety, stress, COVID-19, COVID, Pandemic, phone consultation, control, medically complex |
Chris's Story
The Power of Movement
This story is about the importance of movement for improving the health of elderly patients with dementia. Chris' story demonstrates how involving family members in the care of their loved ones can significantly improve the quality of life of both a resident of a long-term care facility and their family members.
cognitive decline, dementia, caregiver, memory, long term care, continuing care, physical activity, range of motion, quality of life, safety, patient and family centered care, partnership, advocacy, continuing care, quality improvement, family engagement |
Jody's Story
Travel Changes You
This story is about the incredible life changes that accompany a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. Jody's story demonstrates how a clinical social worker can help provide both psychosocial and practical help to live well despite the challenges that can accompany a life altering health issues.
congestive heart failure, partnership, travel, social work, psychosocial support, heart disease, practical support, living well, digital storytelling, patient story, patient and family storytelling |
Pat's Story
Changing Behaviours
This story is about taking a thoughtful, proactive approach to de-escalating challenging behaviours in a continuing care context. Pat's story demonstrates how music care and using a behavior tracking tool to create person-centered care plans can significantly improve the quality of life of both a resident and the staff who care for her.
cognitive decline, dementia, caregiver, memory, long term care, continuing care, code white, de-escalation, aggressive behav-iours, quality of life, safety, patient and family centered care, partnership, advocacy, continuing care, quality improvement, staff engage-ment, organizational change, care aids, music therapy, agitation |
Lee Ann's Story
A Compassionate Heart
This story is about one mother's experience with her critically ill child. It shows how important both exceptional medical intervention and logistical and psychosocial supports are to help families in these very difficult situations. Sponsored by AHS Provincial and Calgary Zone Social Work Professional Practice Councils and The University of Calgary – Faculty of Social Work.
Lower Tracheal Stenosis, pediatric, caregiver, acute care, family presence, quality of life, social work, psychosocial care, patient navigation, partnership, Allied Health, Calgary Zone |
Tessy's Story
Tessy began her journey as a “medical mom” at the age of 19. As her daughter fought through the first years of her life, Tessy began to learn the significance of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. When she began attending Tra-ditional Ceremonies, everyone around her started seeing a change. She developed strength and confidence she needed to have a quality of life she always desired for her family.
capability strength Sundance prayer trust motherhood medical mom confidence advocacy acceptance blending western traditional practices parenting medically complex children health planning Indigenous health patient and family centered care improving health outcomes patient story population and public health oral traditions Calgary Zone Indigenous Health Action plan |
Harley & Penny's Story
Astowaipi (Walking Together): Creating A New Path
This is a story of health planning and co-design in action with Calgary Zone Indigenous communities. Harley and Penny share their journey of the process which is centered on trust, relationship building, shared vision and collaboration. Grounded in ceremony, sacred stories, and a commitment to co-design, they connect with the diversity of urban and rural Indigenous communities to build the Calgary Zone Indigenous Health Action Plan.
Health planning, action plan, Indigenous health, building trust, strengthening relationships, community engagement, culturally safe care, a path forward, ceremony, patient and family centred care, improving health outcomes, Indigenous patient story, population and public health, oral traditions, Calgary Zone, Indigenous Health Action plan |
G's Story
A Safe Place
Having grown up in a negative world of addiction as a result of intergenerational trauma, G makes the decision to break the cycle. She finds safety, strength and healing by reconnecting with her culture and traditions. As she jour-neys to sobriety she faces difficult choices.
Addiction, freedom, happiness, recovery, intergenerational trauma, Indigenous ceremony, family, grief and loss, bounda-ries, safe place, sobriety, holistic treatment, mental health, health planning, Indigenous health, patient and family centered care, improv-ing health outcomes, Indigenous patient story, population and public health, oral traditions, Calgary Zone, Indigenous Health Action plan |
Joe's Family Story
Joe Old Woman inspired others to focus on what is possible, in every circumstance. His family shares their story of how their Indigenous community partnered with the Bassano Health Centre to fill Joe's final days with care and com-passion in a culturally meaningful way.
Siksika Nation, Cowboy, smudge, tipi, ceremony, culture, partnership, seniors health, end of life, palliative care, celebra-tion of life, health planning, Indigenous health, patient and family centred care, improving health outcomes, Indigenous patient story, population and public health, oral traditions, Calgary Zone, Indigenous Health Action plan |
Hal Eagletail and Family's Story
Past and Future
Hal speaks to the inspirational story of how his parents and family have shared the healing wisdom of Indigenous tra-ditional spirituality and herbal medicine knowledge within a western healthcare system. His story describes their journey as knowledge keepers and respected traditional healers as transcended through generations. It is through humble knowledge translation of indigenous ways of knowing and being that, whole healing is recognized in the partnership shared with western ways.
Tsuut'ina, Dene, herbal healing, traditional wellness practices, tipi transfer, faith diversity, integrated health care, partner-ship, knowledge keepers, hope for the future, honouring wishes, change and unity, health planning, Indigenous health, improving health outcomes, population and public health, oral traditions, Calgary Zone, Indigenous Health Action plan |
Marfe's Story
The Big Leap
This story is about a resident care manager's experience with the planning and implementation of a Consistent As-signment staffing model at a long-term care facility. Her story demonstrates how listening and responding to staff concerns and taking a multi-staged, reflexive approach to a large organizational change, can lead to both improved care for residents and a better staff experience.
long term care, partnership, continuing care, consistent assignment, quality of life, quality of care, relationships, organiza-tional change, staff engagement, care aids, quality improvement, healthcare, operations, management |
Harmony's Story
The Good Daughter
This story is about one daughter's mission to ensure both her own family and her mother had a good quality of life as they transitioned her into a long-term care centre. Her story demonstrates how a consistent assignment staffing mod-el can significantly improve the quality of life of both a resident and her family as well as improve staff relationships with the residents they care for.
cognitive decline, dementia, caregiver, memory, long term care, quality of life, safety, medication, daughter, consistent as-signment, patient and family centered care, partnership, advocacy, continuing care |
Taneen's Story
All is Not as it Seems
This is a story about making a conscious choice to pursue a passion in the face of a difficult diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. It is about being aware of the challenges that a chronic condition can present, but not allowing these challenges to define you or what you are capable of accomplishing.
MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Vertigo, tinnitus, buzzing, ear, burn bright, public office, town council, councilor, emergency, injection, stress, hospital, fever, ruptured appendix, abscess, sepsis, self-care, support, family, rest, recovery, balance, diagnosis, doctor, transfer, surgeon, chronic disease, CDM, Central Zone, Engagement and Patient Experience, EPE |
Nancy's Story
There is a Way
This story is about one woman's journey to regain wellness after a diagnosis of kidney failure, and how personal accountability - along with the support of friends, family and the health care team - can contribute to a life well lived.
kidney, transplant, dialysis, diet, nutrition, dietician, kidney failure, wellness, change, OT, Occupation therapist, balance, energy conservation, depressed, fatigue, emotions, ER, Emergency Room, reassurance, treatments, rehabilitation, adjustment, Engagement and Patient Experience, Strategic Clinical Network, EPE, SCN, CDM, chronic disease, Central Zone |
B's Story
Learning to B Myself
This is a story about facing and overcoming the challenges of severe occupational stress, gender identity and men-tal health issues in a rural context. Though the process of stepping away and seeing what is possible, B has re-turned with newfound acceptance and a passion for transgender advocacy and education.
LGBTQ2+, queer, PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, mental health, transgender, advocacy, gay, rural, EMS, paramedic, self-loathing, fear, identity, isolation, panic attacks, self-harm, suicidal ideation, coming out, education, safety, EPE, Engagement and Pa-tient Experience, PAC, Provincial Advisory Council, acceptance, awareness, youth, Central Zone |
Andrea's Story
Little Things
This story is about how an anaphylactic reaction can quickly escalate into a matter of life and death, and how having a supportive “work family” can make a meaningful difference during and after a traumatic event.
Rural, anaphylaxis, allergy, wasps, bees, hospital, ICU, Health Care provider, organ failure, ICU, trauma, friendship, sup-port, health care team, gratitude, coworkers, colleagues, lab, x-ray tech, Air ambulance, stars, husband, maintenance, DI, Diagnostic Imaging, Epi-pen, Engagement and Patient Experience, EPE, patient and family centred care, Central Zone |
Robin's Story
This story is about the challenges and sense of displacement Robin has experienced as an Urban Métis woman. She speaks about how traditional healing and wellness practices have been essential for her healing journey, and highlights the need to integrate traditional Indigenous female wellness practices into the health care system.
Metis urban displaced access female elders traditional healing sweat lodge all my relations dyslexic indigenous low-income Calgary Zone Indigenous Health Action Plan |
Dusty's Story
How Much is Too Much?
This story follows the experiences of one caregiver as she supports her aging parents. It explores the challenging aspects of being a family caregiver and emphasizes the importance of healthcare providers taking the time to do medication reviews with their elderly patients.
healthcare senior's health de-prescribing medication patient and family centred care caregiving aging parents choosing wisely overuse SCN review overprescribing dementia prescription |
Jennifer 's Story
It's All Good
This story is about a mother's emotional journey and path to healing as the caregiver for her son who has survived a “medical only” congenital heart condition.
pregnancy congenital heart condition medical only trauma guilt caregiver exhausted healing family rural mother rare illness patient and family centred care EPE North Zone |
Jane's Story
A Good Life...
This story is about a spouse's experience as a caregiver for her husband with cancer, and their decision to pursue Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID).
medical assistance in dying MAID cancer pain control choice doctor physician family support wife nurse home care health care caregiver palliative rural EPE North Zone |
Erin's Story
Finding Hope Again
This story is about a mother's journey from despair to hope, as the caregiver of her young child who suffered from a massive stroke requiring numerous medical interventions. Getting new skills and be-coming confident helped her to see her role differently.
pediatric stroke brain damage rehabilitation deficits appointments therapy medications surgery early intervention rehab overwhelmed hope rural superhero empowered mother EPE North Zone |
Dennis's Story
Getting Help
This story is about a young man's struggles with alcohol and drug use and addiction, and how he had to confront and overcome societal norms to create his own path to recovery. Asking for help was a first step.
youth teen drinking alcohol drugs addiction doctor smoking counsellor problem recovery abstinence abuse rural asking for help EPE North Zone |
Cindy's Story
Smile on My Face
This story is about one daughter's mission to ensure her mom had quality of life, support of family, and a home-like environment in a memory (dementia) care setting.
Alzheimer's dementia caregiver memory long term care isolation family presence quality of life safety medication daughter surroundings rural EPE North Zone |
Jeraldine's Story
There is Hope
This story follows the experiences of one Indigenous woman as she struggles with the implications of intergenerational trauma throughout her life. It emphasizes the importance of providing culturally appropriate healthcare services to indigenous populations in Canada.
childhood trauma addiction and recovery hope strength healing traditions and culture transformation courage forgiveness growth resilience holistic treatment holistic care Alberta Health Services health planning Indigenous health patient and family centred care improving health outcomes indigenous population and public health |
Tim's Story
The Dyslexia Kid
This is a story about how the challenges of having a learning disability can lead to homelessness.
Health Care Patient Centered Care learning disabilities homelessness social supports hope community care social determinants of health family presence Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Dyslexia PHCIN |
Marcella's Story
Hand Overs
This is a story about the importance of continuity of primary care physicians in their lives of their patients, and the turmoil that can be caused when moving between family doctors.
Health Care, Patient Centered Care, primary care, healthcare, relationships, trust, providers, navigation, transitions in care, continuity of care, Information of continuity, medical home, family doctors, GP, access to medical records, PHCIN |
Lucille's Story
Dare to Hope
This story is about the challenges of receiving complex medical care in a rural area and the im-portance of faith and family in the midst of a life-threatening illness.
Health Care, Patient Centered Care, community support, family supports, Family presence, Rural, access to health services, Financial impact, what matters to you, Hope, Faith, Prayer, PHCIN |
Lisa's Story
Learning to Ride the Waves
This story is about the challenges of being a parent of children with rare diseases in navigating the healthcare system and the importance of exploring all options when pursuing a tricky diagnosis.
Health Care Patient Centered Care Rare diagnosis Navigating systems of care Communication Access to specialists Family presence partnership Primary health care relationships Lyme disease Health system integration Multi-disciplinary teams Self-advocacy PHCIN |
Kirby's Story
Just in Case
This story is about how for certain populations, having a “medical buddy” can help complement the services provided by the healthcare system, while keeping care in the community.
Health Care Patient Centered Care Keeping care in the community & at home Community paramedics support Patient Safety Self-advocacy Hope Epilepsy EMS 911 PHCIN |
Karon's Story
The Team Gets Bigger
This story is about the importance of having the continuity of a family doctor to coordinate specialist services for patients with complex healthcare needs.
Health Care healthcare Patient Centered Care Hope Keeping Care in the Community close to home care transitions Primary healthcare relationships Family doctors Continuity of care diabetes medical home Linking to Specialists and back Multi-disciplinary teams PHCIN |
Floranda's Story
Listen to Me
This story is about how listening carefully to patients and their families can change the way we provide care… for the better.
Health Care healthcare Patient Centered Care Cultural sensitivity & bias What Matters to You Waiting Patient safety Diabetes Chronic illness Self-management Patient-centred care Keeping care in the community Indigenous health PHCIN |
Daralynn's Story
Silence is Deafening
This story shares the experience of living with fluent aphasia and highlights the challenges of inter-acting with the healthcare system when you have a communication disability. The story introduces the Communication Access symbol as a way for healthcare providers to improve the healthcare expe-riences of patients with a communication disability.
Brain injury communication disorder speech head injury aphasia vision loss hearing loss swallowing therapy rehab self-confidence lip reading advocacy disability communication access |
Emily's Story
Restoring Balance
This is a story about the challenges of navigating the primary healthcare system, accessing specialists, and the impact that a health condition can have on our mental health.
Health Care healthcare Patient Centered Care Cultural sensitivity bias Stigma Primary healthcare relationships Continuity of care Access to specialists Linking to specialists and back Transitions of care Keeping care in the community Family doctors Waiting What Matters to You Indigenous health Dermatology Repeating tests |
Joanne's Story
Back to Basics
This is a story about one nurse's journey from a busy, inner-city Emergency Department to a small rural hospital with many elderly patients. It touches on themes related to elder-friendly care, restraint as a last resort, delirium, dementia, staff engagement, and the little but crucial things that can be done to improve care of the frail elderly in acute care settings.
Elder Friendly Care Restraint as a Last Resort Patient-and family centred care acute care Seniors Health nursing Fundamentals SCN |
Lenora's Story
Being with Dad
This is a story about the challenges and possibilities of providing end-of-life care for the elderly in continuing care facilities. It touches on themes related to elder-friendly care,
Cancer continuing care palliative care family presence caregiver respite volunteer father daughter widower alone compassion end of life gift |
Suni's Story
More Than My Left Arm
This story chronicles the challenges of being an immigrant with English as a second language in the Canadian healthcare system. It highlights the uniquenesses of receiving healthcare in a cross-cultural context and ex-plores how healthcare providers and patient advocates can play a role in supporting new immigrants by speaking their language and understanding their culture.
ESL Immigrant Canada Self-worth Identity Language Patient Advisor Patient-and Family-centred care Rural disability disabilities youth volunteerism advocacy interpreter medical literacy PFCC self-image Volunteer motor vehicle accident MVA |
Sandra's Story
Don't Give Up on Us
This story describes the experience of dealing with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), the stigma of medical leave, and the challenges of navigating the healthcare system with a rare and debilitating condition.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Stigma Chronic Pain Patient Advisor Patient and Family-Centred Care Self-image wait list support Keep fighting effects on the family |
Joel's Story
A Split Second Can Change Your Life
This story begins with a car accident, a misdiagnosis, a fortunate encounter with a surgeon, and years of chronic pain and opioid addiction. It ends with a new perspective on chronic pain and a desire to be an ac-tive participant in the healthcare process.
Chronic pain opioids car accident patient empowerment patient and family-centred care referrals wait times misdiagnosis addictions mental health MVA PFCC\n |
Lynne's Story
Good Surgery… Tough Recovery
This is a story of a cardiac surgery and recovery experience from a family caregiver's perspective. It explores the difference between efficiency and effectiveness in the healthcare system and the role that every person can play in improving patient- and family-centred care.
Cardiac Surgery Open Heart surgery communication follow-up efficiency effectiveness patient and family-centred care rural transportation care planning discharge planning community supports transitions in care |
Greg's Story
This story describes an experience of managing recurring infections while being transferred between five different family physicians and the need for shared decision making.
Continuity of care urology infection prostate patient and family-centred care shared decision making Catheterization Medication resistance Care team communication catheter lack of communication |
Petra's Story
This is a story about one mother's experience of her son's substance use and the important lessons about opi-oids that she learned as a caregiver.
Opioids substance use harm reduction healthcare public health Effect on the family family support mother blame overdose guilt learning disability bullying gay anxiety self-medicate drugs withdrawal relapse detox addiction advocacy help support |
Ann's Story
The Journey
This is a story about the experience of being a “hospital parent” and the challenges of managing caregiver burnout with medically complex children.
Hospital parent caregiver burnout healthcare public health prenatal Stress travel for care grief guilt transportation children's hospital Neonatal intensive care mother twins medical mom NICU |
Annette's Story
Mountains & Valleys
This is a story about the difficult realities and complex emotions involved in caring for someone with cognitive decline. It touches on themes related to elder-friendly care, encouraging patient mobility, and using restraints as a last resort when caring for complex dementia patients and their families.
Cognitive decline Alzheimer's restraints elder-friendly care Patient-centred care dementia Complex Dementia care mobility adventure Family involvement in care Family Presence Nursing Home Long term care traumatic health care team wandering loss joy outdoors |
Gerry's Story
Unrushed Conversation
Gerry's story is about his role as a Patient Experience Advisor and how spending time asking patients about their hospital stay can result in improved outcome and better, safer care plans.
Patient advisor Patient experience advisor rapid rounds volunteer rounding trust life transitions discharge planning PFCC patient and family centred care volunteer discharge planning feeling heard patient and family centred care conversations information sharing |
Andrew's Story
Friends, Family, Food
This is a story about living every day right up to the end in hospice care.
Health Care Patient Centered Care Palliative care hospice travel family involvement family presence friendship end of life care brain cancer terminal |
Deb's Story
Life is Beautiful
This story is about how having important end-of-life conversations before the end comes can make the final days a true celebration of life.
Health care Patient Centered Care Palliative Care Goals of Care Designation will dementia family presence family care team planning death PFCC patient and family centred care Senior care |
Teresa's Story
I Was His Person
This story recognizes the importance of family caregivers, no matter how that is defined, at the end-of-life... and how the Grief Support program can help the family caregivers who gave so much of themselves.
Health care Patient Centered Care palliative care grief support support person caregiver end of life care support for the care-giver stage 4 pleural self-help mesothelioma asbestos cancer anger hospital emotional spiritual defining family family presence loss |
Dave's Story
Requests Honoured
This story is about the experience of having a loved one die at home with the support of hospice home care.
Health care Patient Centered Care Palliative Care Hospice Home Care Multiple Sclerosis sepsis family presence disability shared decision-making emotional care for family MS PFCC grief WMTY What matters to you |
Charlotte's Story
This story is about the experience of losing a loved one in an acute palliative care setting and the little things that healthcare providers do to make it that much more bearable.
Health care Patient Centered Care Palliative care acute care family involvement chronic pain cancer grief loss care team nurse |
Phil's Story
Someday has Arrived
Patients are often told that 'someday' their condition will get worse. What happens when that 'someday' arrives? What can you do as a patient to set recovery goals? Recommended for anyone supporting patients and families with recovery goal setting.
Health care Patient centered care heart cardiac care planning wills MIA PFCC aortic stenosis valve replacement back pain surgery touch health care team |
Heather's Story
Wally's Way
Heather's story shares shows how intensive care units can be made into sacred spaces to support patients and families through difficult moments. Recommended viewing for anyone supporting patients and families in acute care settings.
Health care Patient Centered care Caregiver staff support of the family/caregiver lung cancer pulmonary fibrosis staff wife project manager family presence partnership respect listening touch life support |
Krista's Story
How careful are we about our word choice when communicating with patients and their families? Krista explores how the word choices of healthcare providers impacted how she felt about herself as a parent, the care of her daughter and the future of their family. Recommended for anyone working with families and supporting loved ones with mental illness.
Health care Patient Centered Care Child development youth mental illness self- harm psychiatry residential care respite resilience PFCC multiple diagnosis mom motherhood anxious treatments therapy counselling relapse prevention words have power compassion acceptance resilience |
Tim's Story
Sliding Doors
This story is about the experience of a parent trying to access help for his daughter suffering from anorexia. It explores the impact on families when care plans differ between services and difficulty of relying on emergency departments when experiencing mental health challenges. Recommended for emergency department teams and those supporting families navigating mental illness.
Health care Patient Centered Care mental health mental illness anorexia restricting self-harm family family presence inconsistency eating disorder struggle crisis ER ED emergency fear hopeless helpless abandoned Advisor |
Tara's Story
Small Changes, Big Challenges, Large Impact
Having a vision of what you would like to achieve with your health is often much easier than executing the plan to get there. Tara explores what is required to make lasting changes and achieve a vision of health. Recommended for anyone working to promote and support healthy living and behaviour change, or anyone looking for inspiration.
Health care Patient Centered care leukemia morbid obesity dietician support stigma shame motivation cancer PFCC pneumonia appendicitis questions waiting stress overwhelmed grief support dietician plan weight loss journey inspiration |
Rose's Story
Joy and Grief
How can healthcare providers help us navigate tragedy in ways that foster healing? Rose shares her deeply moving stories of the stillbirths of both her son and daughter, experienced nine years apart. She explores the differences between each experience, the impact on her life and how care providers can support patients experiencing grief. *Please note this story contains pictures of a stillborn infant to demonstrate how healthcare can support families through photos and mementos of their child. Recommended for anyone supporting patients with labour, delivery, women's health, mental health, midwifery and spiritual care.
Health care Patient Centered Care End-of-life experiences staff support for family emotional reaction miscarriage pregnancy grief ICU nurse family presence death end of life pet therapy empathy love joy loss maternity |
Pamela's Story
Riding in the Wind
Pamela's story explores how discovering what matters to patients can sometimes hold the key to their recovery. Recommended for all healthcare practitioners and support staff.
Health care Patient Centered Care MVA physician refusal of care goal setting WMTY What matters to you EMS motorcycle accident surgeon goals rehab exercise |
Laurie's Story
Little Gestures, Big Impact
If one of your healthcare colleagues experienced a medical crisis, how would you support them? Laurie's story explores the challenges of being a nurse while also being the caretaker of a family member in medical crisis. Recommended viewing for all healthcare and healthcare support professionals.
Health care patient centered care ER nurse Caregiver Expectation of fellow healthcare professionals emotional road travelled by family staff heart cardiology delivering difficult news surgery anxiety empathy reassurance hug understood |
Shelly's Story
To Hell and Back
This story is about one woman's struggle to come to terms with her new reality after a pulmonary embolism and amputation of all the toes on her left foot. It highlights what it means to feel listened to by a health care team.
Spiritual care community paramedic program patient and family centred care patient and family engagement Dealing with the health care system hearing the needs of the patient understanding patients' limitations empathy EMS ambulance pulmonary embolism strong ER blood clot mortality listening motorbike goals |
Jennifer 's Story
Losing Joyce
This story is about one adult daughter's experience of losing her mother to Alzheimer's disease. It highlights the incredibly important role that health care aids play in caring for aging parents and the challenges of being a family member in this situation.
Alzheimer's disease caregiving family aging mother daughter patient and family long term care living with disease emotional turmoil journey secure unit long term care heartbreak acceptance strength |
Hugh's Story
The Widow Maker
This is a story about recovery from a heart attack. The story addresses the critical importance of the patient and family members taking control of the recovery process as equal partners of the health care team.
Heart attack MI Myocardial infarction patient empowerment recovery Rural EMS hypertension chest pain ECG angiogram angioplasty family presence care plan exercise patient advisor family support |
Deanna's Story
Remembering Why
This story is how the actions of one nurse helped remind a health care administrator why she got into health care as a career. It shows health care providers the importance of compassionate care, and that their daily clinical interactions do not just save lives, they can change lives.
Health care patient centered care organ failure caregiver administrator patient voice health care professional Septic shock ICU coma nursing compassion dignity hope personal touch PFCC |
Dennis's Story
They were married for 53 years, and they were always there for each other. When Karol was admitted to hospital due to Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) compounded by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), Dennis' primary goal was to ensure that his wife was comfortable and her symptoms were well managed. As her caregiver, Dennis need-ed to ensure Karol had a voice, even when she herself struggled to breathe.
congestive heart failure CHF Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder COPD caregiver comfort care partnership medication patient voice patient advisor Nebulizer medication administration medication error shortness of breath |
Rick's Story
Coach Rick
There are about 500,000 deaths per year caused by brain aneurysms. This is a story about the survival of a brain aneurysm and stroke, with the help of hospital staff, family, friends, and a soccer team.
Health care patient centered care patient advisor aneurysm CVA Stroke Faith and Physiotherapy Aneurysm stroke PFCC rehabilitation physiotherapy occupational therapy pity learning to walk return to function |
Michelle's Story
All the Little Things?
The medical family, a story of how a cystic fibrosis diagnosis changes the role of mom, and the medicalization of life.
Cystic Fibrosis CF Medical mom pharmacy medications treatments life Caregiver overwhelming warrior pediatric paediatric |
Karen's Story
This story is about the delivery of a final prognosis and what it feels like to receive that news. It also shows what happens to a person after they receive that information.
Pediatric palliative care devastating news brain stem tumor compassion PFCC |
Debbie's Story
The Path
This is a lifelong journey of a stroke affected patient. A stroke can have effect, not only on the patient, on families too. Every day can be frustrating, magical and full of new memories! It's all about perception and attitude!
Stroke Health Care Empathy Hope Patient Centered care family CVA Patient Advisor TPA nurse empathy vulnerable trauma family kindness gratitude brain injury |
Amanda's Story
Her Decision
This story is about allowing a patient the freedom to choose their own outcomes. It speaks to our humanity and our right to make our own choice, regardless of popular opinions and potential obstacles.
Patient choice High risk Pregnancy Antenatal care perinatal care personal beliefs professional opinion pediatric High risk pregnancy difficult decisions personal choice not being heard complex conflicting beliefs PFCC |
Michelle's Story
Now I Know You
This story is about how knowing a health care providers name and what they do is really important for patients. It talks about how knowing someone's name helps patient's feel more like they are part of their health care team as well as empowering them to ask the right questions to the right people and personally thank their health care providers for good care.
Pregnant pregnancy blood clot ICU restraints family presence miscarriage NOD Name Occupation Duty ostomy porter chart patient advisor vulnerable personal information |
Aria's Story
This is N.O.D., Your Captain Speaking
This is a story about how a name tag shows that you are part of something bigger and proud of who you are and what you do. My name tag and badges in the Air Cadets are very important to me, and I think that health care providers should think about their name tags in the same way. The story highlights how important it is for health care providers to wear their name tags and share their name, occupation and duty, every time they interact with patients and fami-lies.
Digital Storytelling Alberta Health Services Patient and Family Centered Care Name Tags NOD hip dysplasia surgery young person chronic nerve pain introducing yourself being a team PFCC |
Bob's Story
Caught By Surprise
Your knees really DO buckle! That IS what happens when unexpectedly the cell phone rings and a voice delivers life shattering information. There are really only two pathways for a relationship to follow, each with very different, life changing outcomes.
Caregiving Sudden Illness Health Care Sudden illness ICU Caregiving Different life long recovery PFCC |
Tracy's Story
20 Seconds
This story is about how fragile someone's hope can be when they are in a life threatening medical experience. It is meant to start a conversation about the fine line that health care providers must walk between being hopeful while not providing false hope to their patients.
Hope False Hope Health care Cancer ovarian mortality family presence delivering diagnosis bad news stage 4 remission |
Maya's Story
I Am Maya
A story about how a doctor saw me as a person not as a disease or condition. And how those simple questions of getting to know me ultimately changed my view of the healthcare system and on myself as well.
Brain injury communication health care What matters to me brain injury diabetes seeing person physician caring PFCC cardiac support group |
Winnie's Story
Things to Do
We are all too busy to get sick but it happens. This is a story of how my life was suddenly impacted by a heart attack at the young age of 48, and how I came to live with my condition with many things to do.
Heart Attack Patient Centered Care Smoking MI Myocardial Infarction 911 Cardiac Arrest Code Blue appointments patient Advisor SCN Strategic Clinical Network |
Leslie's Story
Are You Ready to Begin?
This is the story of my struggle is the with obesity for more than 30 years of my life and how I eventually overcame it with the right medical help and support. It is easy to look at someone who is heavy and think the solution to lose and manage weight is simple. Proper diet and regular exercise are just smaller pieces of a bigger puzzle in managing this condition.
Obesity Empowerment Health care self-care nerve pain lifestyle change finding hope getting help chronic conditions asking for help PFCC |
Garry's Story
This story being a self-advocate as a patient. Learning to be physically and mentally strong while going through Cancer Treatments and Surgery to help in the recovery process. By using mindfulness and relying on the sup-port of his friends, family and health care team, Garry was able to successfully overcome a lot of pain and an-guish throughout his cancer journey.
Mindfulness Cancer colorectal colonoscopy colostomy golf family presence meditation GI Gastrointestinal visualize radiation perseverance coping |
Darlene's Story
I'm Still Here
This story is about how I felt as the primary caregiver to a wonderful man with a terminal disease. I believe that it is a fact that caregivers fade into the background and lose their identity. It is important to me that everyone see this from a caregiver's side.
Caregiving end of life health care pulmonary fibrosis living with devastating diagnosis end of life caregiving caregiver supports caregiver identity PFCC |
Ryan's Story
Walk Through Fire
This is a story about the week where the system seemed to fail me. Numerous errors in my care forced me to take matters into my own hands and decide to care for myself. The story highlights how important it is for health care providers to understand and value the knowledge that patients may have about their own condi-tions.
Chronic pain communication health care patient centered care opioids medical marijuana cannabis paramedic EMS narcotics neck spinal miscommunication |