Rocky Mountain House emergency department remains open today

July 29, 2021

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE — The emergency department (ED) at the Rocky Mountain House Health Centre will remain open and operational this morning, after a gap in physician coverage has been filled.

The ED was to temporarily close from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, July 29; however physician coverage has been secured.

The department remains open and operational, providing emergency care to those patients who may need it.

AHS is incredibly grateful to our physicians for going above and beyond to help ensure access to emergency care in Rocky Mountain House is maintained  AHS has processes in place to help ensure that coverage is maintained and that patients continue to have uninterrupted access to services at the facility. AHS uses this process right up until the last possible minute to avoid closures, and this process has worked as intended.

Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than four million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans