WestView brings more comfort to patients

May 17, 2022

Respiratory therapist Andrea DeJong shows one of the sensory kits she helped to create for WestView Health Centre in Stony Plain.

Respiratory therapist Andrea DeJong shows one of the sensory kits she helped to create for WestView Health Centre in Stony Plain. Photo supplied.

Emergency Department creates sensory kits to calm people sensitive to overstimulation

Story by Adriana Amelio 

STONY PLAIN — An emergency department (ED) is a busy place full of beeping, whirring, loud voices and bright lights. For some patients with sensitivity to stimulus, it’s not only overwhelming, but it can be a barrier to getting the care they need.

The ED staff at WestView Health Centre looked at the situation and saw an opportunity to provide comfort to patients who struggle with overstimulation.

“Our staff were pulling together items to help comfort patients in the ED, or borrowing from different areas of the hospital,” says Andrea DeJong, a respiratory therapist. “We decided to create a designated sensory kit in the ED, complete with items that were for disposable one-time use, as well as reusable items that could be cleaned to meet infection, prevention and control requirements.”

The kit allows staff to keep comfort items on hand to aid in a variety of sensitivities and provide low-stimulus support. Rather than having to borrow a lead-vest from another department in the hospital, the kit includes a washable weighted blanket that’s accessible to patients at all times. The kit also includes eye protection, ear plugs, sunglasses, fidget toys and a communications board for those who may struggle with speech or have a mouth injury.

“The kit was primarily developed for people with sensory issues such as autism or who face challenges with noise, smells, interacting with strangers or many new people,” adds DeJong. “We also found that many items in the kit were beneficial to other patients, as well.”

Compiling the kit has been a team effort, and it’s been in use since January. Feedback from patients has been positive — and staff take pride in having been able to create a more comfortable space for ED patients

Staff say they’re also grateful to the Stony Plain & District Health Centre Auxiliary, which provided funds for the kit.

“The sole purpose of the Stony Plain and District Health Centre Auxiliary is to raise funds for the WestView Health Centre to make things better for them,” says Betty Chickloski, president, Stony Plain & District Health Centre Auxiliary. “This is a perfect example of how we can support the Health Centre.”