Chinook volunteers garner scholarships

August 14, 2023

Isabelle Robinson, left, Brinnley Zanewich and Priyanshi Patel are the happy recipients of the 2023 Friends of Chinook Regional Hospital Healthcare Professionals of Tomorrow scholarships.

Isabelle Robinson, left, Brinnley Zanewich and Priyanshi Patel are the happy recipients of the 2023 Friends of Chinook Regional Hospital Healthcare Professionals of Tomorrow scholarships. Photo by Kelly Morris.

Student trio score a cash boost on path healthcare careers

Story & photo by Kelly Morris

LETHBRIDGE — Volunteering is a great way to gain work experience and explore future careers in healthcare. For three local youth volunteers, their generous giving has paid off with 2023 Healthcare Professionals of Tomorrow scholarships that put them one step closer to being a fully-fledged colleague at Chinook Regional Hospital.

The Friends of Chinook Regional Hospital (CRH) and Alberta Health Services (AHS) Volunteer Resources have named this year’s recipients of their scholarship awards: recent high school graduate Isabelle Robinson and University of Lethbridge students Brinnley Zanewich and Priyanshi Patel.

The scholarships are awarded to exceptional volunteers who are pursuing a career in healthcare, who live within the hospital’s service area, and who have volunteered with patients at CRH.

Isabelle Robinson

Robinson began volunteering in wayfinding, then jumped on the opportunity to gain experience in the emergency department when she turned 18 and became eligible to work in this area.

“I volunteer because I think it is important to help out in the community where I live in,” she says. “Since I want to pursue a career in healthcare, the hospital is a great place to be because I get to observe people who have jobs similar to what I’m working towards.”

The scholarship will assist Robinson this fall as she begins post-secondary studies in Health Studies at the University of Calgary.

“Ever since I was little, I always enjoyed taking part in my schools science fairs — and I’ve really enjoyed all the science classes I’ve taken over the years, so I’m very excited for the program I am taking. While I’m excited, it’s also a big step, so it’s nice to receive some scholarships to lessen my financial burden.”

Brinnley Zanewich

Already on her healthcare career path, Zanewich is studying Biological Sciences at the University of Lethbridge. Volunteering at CRH in diagnostic imaging, the emergency room and the Jack Ady Cancer Centre, she has a desire to contribute to the well-being of others and to make a difference in people's lives during times of crisis.

“This volunteer experience has solidified my interest in pursuing a career in healthcare. It has affirmed my passion for helping others — and I am eager to further explore this field and make a more substantial impact in the future.

“Receiving this scholarship is a huge motivation for me in pursuing my education and career aspirations. It alleviates financial stress and opens doors to valuable opportunities. The recognition and support fuels my determination, enables me to excel academically — and empowers me to make a positive impact in the medical field. I am truly grateful for this opportunity.”

Priyanshi Patel

Biochemistry student Priyanshi Patel has volunteered at CRH in various roles including the ice-water program, wayfinding and diagnostic imaging.

“All these programs have allowed me serve patients and medical staff in their day-to-day activities and enhance my communication, leadership and interpersonal skills. The scholarship will enable me to further move forward with my undergraduate studies and will support my goal of pursuing medical school in the future. This scholarship will become an emblem of my contribution towards the well-being and betterment of my community.”

The Friends of CRH is a volunteer organization that supports programs that improve the patient experience and enhance the hospital community through the efforts of dedicated staff and volunteers. The society recognizes and gives back to the volunteers who make their efforts possible.

“It is very exciting to offer support to aspiring healthcare professionals,” says Daniel Erickson, Friends of CRH Executive Director.

“I’m so impressed by the passion these three volunteers show and their willingness to learn and to make a difference in our community. The three recipients of this scholarship are hard-working, passionate and brilliant. Each student is worthy of congratulations on this achievement as they journey towards their career in healthcare.”