Meet an audiologist who makes visits enjoyable for kids

May 20, 2024

Audiologist Maysem Elfurjani uses an otoscope to examine a young patient’s ear canal and eardrum.

Audiologist Maysem Elfurjani uses an otoscope to examine a young patient’s ear canal and eardrum. Photo by Tricia Miller.

Maysem Elfurjani counsels her patient using a large illustration of the ear to build a better understanding of their condition.

Maysem Elfurjani counsels her patient using a large illustration of the ear to build a better understanding of their condition. Photo by Tricia Miller.

‘I like to distract, play and make it a fun experience. I don’t see it as work’

Story by Kelly Morris | Photos by Tricia Miller

MEDICINE HAT — Maysem Elfurjani has a special talent for turning medical visits into enjoyable experiences for children. Through her gentle approach — along with bubble wands and reward stickers — she turns the mundane into the memorable.

“I like to distract, play and make it a fun experience. I don’t see it as work, I enjoy what I do,” says Elfurjani, an audiologist with Children’s Allied Health in the South Zone. "I found this opportunity with AHS and knew it was the right career move.”

After she completed her education in Ontario and discovered her interest for pediatric audiology, Elfurjani made the move from the east to Southern Alberta in 2023, where 80 per cent of her patients are children and youth. Since then, she’s been working collaboratively with therapy assistants, speech language pathologists, and other Allied Health professionals at Medicine Hat Regional Hospital.

Elfurjani finds working with children and sharing their journey from diagnosis onwards to be a rewarding experience, especially working in a rural setting.

“You follow them as they grow, so you get to witness the full comprehensive system of care,” she adds.

“Elfurjani has a kind, person-centred approach with children and their families,” says Tricia Miller, South Zone manager for Children’s Allied Health, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology.

“Her greatest strength is her ability to zone in on her client, and pace the session so that the client is consenting and ready for each step.” Elfurjani aims to create memorable experiences for her patients every step of the way.

“If we can’t get through it, for whatever reason, we can split the session into however many sessions needed,” she says.

“I don’t force anything. I know a lot of these kids have to come back for a follow-up — and for some they’ll have to come back every single year. I want them to look forward to coming.”

May is Speech and Hearing Month. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists dedicate their time to supporting individuals with communication needs and assisting them with everyday interactions. Take time this month to learn about the challenges experienced by those with speech and language disabilities, and the role speech-language pathologists and audiologists play in offering support and connection.