Public influenza immunization clinics open across province

October 20, 2014

Protect yourself and your loved ones from illness

Story by Shannon Evans; Photo by Paul Rotzinger

Influenza immunization clinics have opened around the province, offering protection against an illness that hospitalized more than 1,200 Albertans last year and sickened thousands more.

Stocked with both the injectable form of influenza vaccine (often called the flu shot), and the nasal spray form (called FluMist), AHS influenza immunization clinics welcome all Albertans six months of age and older.

AHS influenza immunization clinic schedules can be found online or by phone.Children who are afraid of the flu shot can be immunized with the FluMist nasal spray.

Simply visit and click on “Find your local clinic schedule,” or call Health Link Alberta at 1-866-408-5465.

Many local pharmacists and physician offices also offer influenza vaccine.

The type of vaccine available (shot vs. nasal spray) may vary by pharmacy or physician office. Albertans planning on visiting a local pharmacist or physician office to be immunized are advised to call ahead and confirm whether the pharmacist or physician is offering influenza vaccine this season.

Please note pharmacists can only immunize individuals nine years of age and older.

Individuals less than nine years of age must be immunized at an AHS Influenza Immunization Clinic.

To learn more about influenza and influenza immunization, visit