Postcard (front and back)
Let’s talk about research is an initiative that supports staff in presenting Alberta Health Services (AHS) as a research-friendly organization. It lets patients know that when they visit an AHS facility they may be approached about participating in a research study.
Materials have been developed for AHS employees (posters, postcards, and speaking notes) to create awareness and encourage discussions about research opportunities at AHS.
Posters are designed to be displayed in common areas where they are highly visible to patients.
Postcards can be handed out to patients by AHS employees as a tool to let them know that research is happening locally and to encourage them to find out more.
The speaking notes, printed on business-sized cards, are meant to be used by AHS employees to guide them in speaking about research in general. These cards are meant to introduce patients to the concept of research and should not be used for study-specific recruitment or consent. All study-specific recruitment materials should be approved by the appropriate Research Ethics Board (REB).
To request free printed or digital copies of the posters, postcards, and speaking notes for your department and/or clinical area, please contact us at