Awards & Recognition

Critical Care Strategic Clinical NetworkTM



  • 2021 Allan Spanier Award – Best Education Study from Critical Care Canada Forum
    Presented to Kristin Robertson for Keeping Sane in Insane Times: Psychological First Aid for Critical Care.

    The Critical Care SCN congratulates Kristin Robertson for her award, view tweet.
  • 2020 Patient Experience Award - Health Quality Council of Alberta 
    Awarded for work on the Provincial ICU Delirium Initiative
    This initiative involved patient and family advisors, operational leaders, and front-line healthcare professionals across Alberta. Together, they designed, adapted, and implemented leading practices for the prevention and management of ICU-associated delirium. These efforts resulted in a standardized provincial approach to this aspect of care in both adult and pediatric critical care settings.
  • 2019 President’s Excellence Award – AHS
    Awarded for work on the Provincial ICU Delirium Initiative