HF / COPD Clinical Pathway | HF / COPD Care Paths | Low-Value Cardiovascular Testing | Acute Care Bundle Improvement (ACBI)
Heart failure (HF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are chronic diseases associated with high cost-per-patient and high variation in care. AHS has prioritized standardization of care for these chronic diseases through implementation of evidence-based clinical pathways.
These pathways help ensure high quality, integrated care along the journey from admission to acute care hospital stay, to discharge and return to primary, community-based care.
Development and implementation of these best practices across Alberta involves collaboration with patients, families and provincial teams, including the Primary Health Care Integration Network and Respiratory Health Section of the Medicine SCN.
Resources for Clinicians
Care paths are an advanced form of clinical decision support available in the Connect Care clinical information system.
Heart Failure (HF) and Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (AECOPD) Care Paths are the first two developed in Connect Care.
Choosing Wisely Canada (Cardiology) estimate that 30% of tests performed in Canada are unnecessary and of low value to contribute to the care of patients. The CvHS SCN and its partners are exploring how electrocardiogram (ECG) testing is currently used in Alberta with a focus on improving clinical appropriateness.
The next step will be to apply lessons from reducing low-value ECG testing to other cardiac investigations such as echocardiography, stress testing and nuclear imaging.
Resources for Clinicians
The ACBI initiative aims to optimize care delivery by bundling evidence-based care practices and working with healthcare providers to embed these practices into day-to-day routines throughout patients’ hospital journey from admission to discharge and their transition back to the community.
These best practices for every patient, every time will be coupled with appropriate patient-specific care (clinical pathways) with the goal of improving quality, patient outcomes, the experiences of patients, families and providers, and value to the health system.