Diabetes & Virtual Health

Diabetes, Obesity & Nutrition Strategic Clinical NetworkTM


Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program (vDPP)

In Alberta, approximately 800,000 people live with undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes.

In partnership with Alberta Blue Cross and Primary Care Networks (PCNs), the Diabetes, Obesity & Nutrition (DON) Strategic Clinical Network (SCN) launched a pilot study aimed at preventing Type 2 diabetes in adults who have prediabetes (A1C 6.0 – 6.4%).

The study used a virtual Diabetes Prevention Program (vDPP) provided by Yes Health. The program was offered from February 2022 to February 2023. Patients used a smartphone app and received in-the-moment support from a coach to promote lifestyle changes such as weight loss, healthy eating and physical activity. 

How it Worked

The vDPP focused on diabetes prevention by providing personalized, one-on-one virtual health coaching support.

The program connected participants to health coaches who provided feedback on their nutrition, wellness and fitness activity, all of which was tracked through a mobile application and Bluetooth scale.

The program has now ended, and the pilot study is currently in the evaluation phase.


For more information, contact don.scn@ahs.ca.