Coming to the Stollery

About Us

Welcome to the Stollery Children’s Hospital

The Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, is a full-service pediatric hospital and centre for complex pediatric care and research established in 2001.

The Stollery is the only specialized healthcare facility for infants, children and youth in central and northern Alberta. The Stollery has among the highest inpatient volumes of any children’s hospital in Canada, and serves a geographical area of over 500,000 km.

There is a Stollery neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) located at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and the Sturgeon Community Hospital, supporting the most complex newborn pediatric patients in northern Alberta; The Stollery also provides outreach services in communities throughout the central and northern parts of Alberta.

Over 40 per cent of the children treated at the Stollery are from outside the Edmonton area; the hospital services patients coming from northern British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nunavut, Yukon and Northwest Territories. The Stollery is western Canada’s referral centre for pediatric cardiac surgery and a national leader in organ transplantation.

The Stollery is affiliated with the University of Alberta and housed within the Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre along with the University of Alberta Hospital and Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute.