Everyone who receives treatment through Alberta Health Services has a health record. These records contain health information such as reports from health care providers, test results or information about medication. Health records can be paper, electronic or a combination of both.
If you believe there is a mistake, error, and/or omission in your health record, you may request a correction or amendment as per section 13 of the Health Information Act (HIA). Please follow the below process; no fee is required.
Complete and sign the Request to Correct or Amend Health Information form and provide supporting documentation:
Note: if you are requesting on behalf of another person, they may be required to complete the Authorization of Health Information Act Representative form.
Submit completed form with required supporting documentation by email or mail:
Mailing address
HIM – Chart Correction
Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre
0E1, 8440- 112 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7
Note: not supplying supporting documentation will delay the processing of your request.
If you would like to request correction of demographic information (e.g. your name, address, status, gender, or date of birth), you can request it through either of the methods above or directly from AHS the next time you receive health care services.
For additional information, please view our FAQ below. If you still have questions, please contact the Chart Correction Central Intake at chartcorrection@ahs.ca.
In support of your request, you must also provide adequate proof or evidence for evaluation. Documentation required:
When you request correction or amendment of health information for yourself or another person, you need to show proof of your identity. Below is a list of acceptable identification (ID).
Accepted Documents for Primary Identification (Photo ID)
Accepted Documents for Secondary Identification (Non-photo ID)
Documents used to support identity must be current and not expired and include your full name. Initials are not acceptable.
Requests to Correct or Amend health information are usually processed within 30 calendar days from the date we receive your request.