Everyone who receives treatment through Alberta Health Services has a health record. These records contain health information such as reports from care providers, test results or information about medication. Health records can be paper, electronic or a combination of both.
View our answers to our top frequently asked questions. If you still have questions, see How do I contact Health Information Management for assistance?
The Access & Disclosure team is a group of health information management professionals and clerical staff who work in Health Information Management (HIM). Our team works with the requester to obtain accurate and complete health information while maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality.
We comply with the Alberta Health Information Act; other related provincial legislation; Alberta Health Services policies; and Health Information Management standards, guidelines and best practices.
Everyone who receives treatment through Alberta Health Services has a health record. These records contain health information such as reports from care providers, test results or information about medication. Health records can be paper, electronic or a combination of both.
If you need health records or health information from a doctor's office, please call his/her office directly. If you do not know the doctor's phone number, you can find it by going to College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta Physician Search.
If you need a record from Alberta Health, such as a Statement of Benefits Paid (SOBP), call Alberta Health at 780-427-0845 . You can also call toll-free within Alberta at 310-0000 and then enter 780-427-0845 when prompted. An SOBP lists practitioner services received by an individual during a specific time period including the date and type of service; the practitioner's name; and the amount that was paid to the practitioner. More information is available through Alberta Health Request for Statements of Benefits Paid.
You can ask for copies of your own health information by following the steps below. If you are asking about health information on behalf of another person, click on How do I ask for health information on behalf of another person?
If you are asking for health information on behalf of another person, follow the process below. If you are asking for your own health information click on How do I ask for my own health information?
For information on asking for your immunization records view the following service listing: Immunization Records Request .
You can ask for a copy of reports on who has viewed your electronic health information (called “audit logs”) that is under the custody or control of AHS by following the steps below.
Disclosure Help Line
University of Alberta Hospital
Room 0E1.0, 8440 - 112 Street
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2B7
Email: disclosure@ahs.ca
Fax: 1-855-935-0646
Note, there is no fee for this service.
Alberta Health Services does not have access to Alberta Netcare audit logs.
You can ask for information on who has viewed your audit logs stored in the Alberta Netcare system by contacting Alberta Health at 1-780-422-5111 or visiting albertanetcare.ca/AuditLogs for more information. When submitting your request to Alberta Health, provide your personal health number and include a copy of a government-issued photo ID (e.g. driver's license, passport, etc.)
When you request health information for yourself or another person, you have to show proof of your identity. Below is a list of acceptable identification (ID).
You need to include one piece of photo ID or two pieces of non-photo ID. If the copies of your ID are not clear, you will be asked to send in another, clearer copy.
Copies of your ID will be destroyed in a confidential, secure manner once your request is processed. No record of ID numbers is kept. We only make note of the type of ID you provide.
Accepted photo identification:
Accepted non-photo identification:
Documents used to support identity must be current and not expired and include your full name. Initials are not acceptable.
Use the Health Information Access Request form to request your own health information or request health information on behalf of another person. You can fill out the form online and print the form or you can print the form and fill it out manually.
Patient Information:
1. If requesting your own health information, enter your last name and first name, date of birth and personal health number.
2. If you are requesting health information on behalf of someone else, for example your child or spouse who has given you written authorization to make a request on his or her behalf, enter the last name and first name of the other person, their date of birth and personal health number.
Requester Information:
3. If requesting information on behalf of someone, enter your last name and first name.
4. If you are asking for your own health information, put a check mark in the ‘same as above' boxes for both the last name and first name.
5. Enter your complete mailing address and the telephone number you can be contacted at during business hours in case we have any questions.
Information Requested:
6. Enter the name and location of the hospital or other health care centre where treatment was received. For example, Kaye Edmonton Clinic or Grande Prairie Regional Hospital.
7. Write the name of the clinic, program or area where treatment was received treatment. For example, Emergency, Diabetes Clinic, Inpatient or Day Surgery.
8. Write the time period when the treatment was received at the hospital or health care centre. For example: January 25-27, 2017 or January 2017 if the exact date is not known.
9. List the records or information you are requesting being as accurate as you can. For example, records relating to an outpatient visit, emergency visit or hospital stay.
10. If you want us to mail the information to you, check the box ‘mail information to the above address.'
11. If you want to pick up the information from the Health Information Management Department at the hospital or health care centre where treatment was received, check the box ‘the information will be picked up.' You will be notified when the documents are ready to be picked up. The documents will be held for pick up for two weeks. If documents are not picked up after two weeks, your request will be cancelled and the documents destroyed. If you require the information at a later time, a new request for the information will need to be submitted.
12. Sign and date the request form.
13. If you are requesting records for another person, check the box indicating the power you are exercising on behalf of the person whose information you are requesting.
14. Attach a copy of the document that gives you the authority to ask for the information on behalf of the other person. For example, guardianship order; power of attorney, excerpts from a will naming you as executor or a completed Authorization of Health Information Act Representative.
As per the Health Information Act, there may be a minimum fee of $25.00 for all requests which includes up to 100 pages depending on the record format (e.g., paper, electronic or microfilm record).
Every page after that costs 0.05 cents for paper and electronic records and 0.50 cents per page for microfilmed records.
There may be other charges depending on the type of information requested as outlined in the Schedule of the Health Information Regulation of the Health Information Act.
To see the full fee schedule at Health Information Regulation Fee Schedule.
If you are currently involved in the care and treatment of a patient and require patient/client information for the purpose of providing health services:
Requests can be submitted by the following options:
Option 1 - Obtain Records with Consent
Fax a written request with a completed Consent to Disclose Health Information form toll free to: 1-855-935-0646 .
Written requests must including the following information:
Option 2 - Obtain Records without Consent
Complete a Request for Health Information by Law Enforcement Agency form and fax toll free to 1-855-935-0646 .
Option 3 - Further Assistance Required
Contact the Health Information Management Disclosure Help Line by email at disclosure@ahs.ca if further assistance is required.
The Disclosure Help Line Team will contact the requesting law enforcement agency within four hours of receipt of the request during regular business hours Monday to Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding statutory holidays.
Requests for health information are usually processed within 30 calendar days from the date we receive your request.
If you need help submitting a request for health information, please contact Health Information Management at your local hospital or health care centre where you received treatment.
Site contact information can be found by viewing the following service listing: Health Information - Access and Disclosure.
If you require further assistance, please contact our Disclosure Help Line by email or our toll free fax line.
Email: disclosure@ahs.ca
For security and confidentiality purposes, do not include any personal health information in an email.
Toll-free Fax Line: 1-855-935-0646