Enhancing Care in the Community

We are providing more community-based options for you to receive the best care, where you want it, when you need it, in your own community.


Our goal:
To help people be as healthy, well and independent as they can be in their homes and communities

Our plan:
Enhancing Care in the Community is about meeting the health and social needs of Albertans to improve their wellness, independence, and quality of life. As a result of meeting these needs in their homes and communities, we will not only see a shift in where and how we deliver care, we will also reduce pressure on hospitals allowing improved access to acute care services for those who require it.

What does enhancing care in the community look like?

It requires a team approach to healthcare, with you and your family at the centre.

Focusing on enhancing the care provided in the community, close to where you live:

  • Supports you in being healthy
    Preventing illness and disease, helping you with chronic conditions to effectively manage disorders, and even supporting end-of-life care.
  • Contributes to wellness
    Wellness includes physical health but also includes other factors such as housing, employment, food security, social connectedness, educational opportunities, the environment, public safety, and more. These other factors are collectively known as the "social determinants of health".
  • Increases partnerships and coalitions
    In order to help you stay as healthy and well as you can be, we collaborate with not-for-profit and volunteer agencies, towns and municipalities, schools, other government departments, business and industry, and other partners.
  • Allows self-care so you can be independent
    This can involve physical aids, technology and education.
  • Offers support for Informal caregivers
    This includes spouses, children of older adults, parents and others who provide a significant amount of care in the community. Community-based care ensures their needs are addressed and that they are supported and recognized in the care that they provide.

All parts of AHS are touched when we refer to providing more services in the community for you. This involves everything from intensive care to community care, from legal and finance to addiction and mental health services. It’s a big shift, and one we know is important so you can live well at home in your community for as long as possible.

Areas of Focus

Enhancing Care in the Community is aligned with all four goals of the AHS Quadruple Aim


These include:

  1. Better health outcomes
    People retain maximum independence and stay as healthy as possible given their individual circumstances
  2. Improved patient experience
    People’s needs and values are met when providing care
  3. Greater value for money
    We want to provide the best care in the most efficient manner
  4. Improved provider satisfaction
    Healthcare workers can be satisfied that they are supported in providing the best care and meeting their clients' needs

In the Community

Read about Albertans who have benefitted from care in their communities

Community Paramedic Program
community paramedic

Connecting patients with the Community Paramedic program can change their outlook on life.
(read more...)

Receiving Home Care
home care

Home care enables patients to continue living at home while still getting the care and support they  need.
(read more...)

Hospital at Home Program
hospital at home

Sage, diagnosed with a brain tumour, gets the majority of his care and treatment at home without having to go to a hospital.
(read more...)