
Gain practical knowledge

A number of health care programs require a residency in order to successfully graduate.

There are three residency fields represented at AHS: Pharmacy, Psychology and Medical.

Each field has its own requirements and will require coordination both through the post-secondary program and AHS. In addition, each residency may have unique requirements to apply for residency with AHS.

Pharmacy Residents

AHS offers nine positions in Canadian Hospital Pharmacy Residency Board accredited programs across the province.

All four programs offer a variety of training and educational opportunities to help enhance the theories and skills developed in the pharmacy undergraduate programs.

Successful completion of the residency program gives the equivalent of several years of experience due to the structured learning opportunities.

Psychology Residents

AHS offers positions in three pre-doctoral psychology residency programs: Pre-Doctoral Residency in Pediatric and Child Psychology, Calgary Clinical Psychology Residency and the Edmonton Consortium Clinical Psychology Residency.

We offer a wide range of outstanding training experiences in assessment, treatment, and consultation with diverse client/patient populations. There are some rich opportunities to work as integral members of interdisciplinary teams.

Medical Residents

Medical residencies are coordinated through the post secondary training programs; please connect directly with the program.

International Medical Students

If you require a placement with a non-physician, please contact Medical Affairs directly to discuss the process, prerequisites and requirements.