Interview Advice

Interview Advice

Preparing for your interview

Here, you’ll find tips to help you feel confident going into your next job interview.

From gathering your thoughts and managing your emotions to examples of common interview questions, this advice will help you make the best possible first impression.

Do your Homework

It is important to come prepared for the interview. This includes researching the organization (or department), practicing interview responses, preparing questions to ask the interviewer, and having any additional materials ready (portfolio, references, etc.).

Stay Calm

Stay calm before the interview by getting a good night's sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and practicing breathing techniques. The day of the interview ensure you are on time, or better yet, early for the interview. Make sure you are aware of the exact location, parking options, and any possible traffic concerns.

Be Professional

Be warm and personable, offer a handshake, speak clearly, and show your enthusiasm for the opportunity. Be aware of the professional atmosphere you are interviewing in and choose your outfit accordingly. It’s always better to be overdressed, than underdressed.

Types of Interview Questions


The interview process often starts with a few basic questions that allow the interviewer to get to know the applicant.

Examples include:

  • Can you tell me a little about yourself?
  • What do you know about our organization?
  • What are your greatest professional strengths?
  • What do you consider a professional weakness?
  • What type of work environment do you thrive in?


Skill-based questions deal with professional knowledge or test skills that will be needed to successfully fill the role.

This can be done through work samples, case projects, or simple oral questions. Take your time and showcase your competence, skills, and experience when answering.

Examples include:

  • Do you have experience using JavaScript, C#, and HTML?
  • What steps would you take if a patient went into cardiac arrest?
  • Have you managed a multi-disciplinary team before?

Behavioural Descriptive

Behavioural descriptive questions evaluate how you will perform a new job based on your past experiences. The STAR(S) method can help you clearly describe what you did and the results you achieved. Follow these easy steps:

  • Situation – Tell a story about a specific event, situation or task you accomplished
  • Task – Explain what you were trying to achieve and why
  • Action – Be specific; describe any actions you took in the situation
  • Result – Describe the outcome of the situation
  • Skills – What skills did you use to accomplish the task

Examples include:

  • Give an example of a goal you set and how you reached it?
  • Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized?
  • Describe a setback you have overcome in the last year?


Value-based questions not only help hiring managers see if you are a fit with their team, but they also show you if your personal values align with those of our organization.

Learn more about our values – compassion, accountability, respect, excellence, safety - and how they fit into your past experiences and future goals here.

Examples include:

  • Tell us about a time when you were required to work under pressure and handle competing and changing priorities. What was the outcome?
  • Tell us about a time you witnessed something you would consider unethical behaviour. What did you do in this situation?
  • Please describe a significant safety challenge you have experienced and how you dealt with it?